Chapter 13

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Location: No man lands
3rd person pov

In the no man lands, soldiers were ready for defense line, One of them is tony, Who was little nervous or scared, The soldiers send letters to their love ones or eating the last cheese.

Tony: *Though* This is the last cheese.

Soldier 1: How long are we going to die?

Soldier 2: I don't know dumbass!

Soldier 3: Yeah dumbass! We all going to-

Soldier 4: GUYS!! THEY'RE HERE!!

Tony and the rest of the soldiers train their guns towards the fog approaching them, Tony was more scared of what has come, If he doesn't involve....this. But the fog got closer, A loud of warcry can be hear in the distance, Tony ready his assault rifle, When the fog clear, It is revealed to be the most horrific or terrific creatures we never seen...

 But the fog got closer, A loud of warcry can be hear in the distance, Tony ready his assault rifle, When the fog clear, It is revealed to be the most horrific or terrific creatures we never seen

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Tony: *Scared* Deal lord! fire! FIRE!! FIRE!!

The other soldiers follow suit, The amount of bullet raining down the green creatures, Tony fire his assault rifle at the green soldiers, When the green came closer to the trenches, The fight between the human soldiers and the green frog soldiers fighting each other, The humans were losing. The only ones standing was tony and the human soldier.

Tony: Keep firing brother! We can't die yet!!

Soldier: Sorry sir, But.. *Stab tony with a knife*

Tony: *In pain* What the...?! WHY!!??

Soldier: Because *Disguise disappear*

Tony: *Shock and disbelief* No! I-It can't be...!!


Fake soldier: AMOUNGUS!!!

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Fake soldier: AMOUNGUS!!!

Location: Real world, Italican

Tony: *Wake up and screaming* AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Tony scream in terror, But when he wake up. It wants all a dream.

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