Skeletons! Wait, Where'd you come from?

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What a long day. Work hasn't been the best, and your family hasn't been very supportive. You fall onto your bed, covered in a tremendous amount of fluffy and fuzzy pillows. Eventually, you sigh and stare at the ceiling. Maybe you'll get a text from a friend to cheer you up..?

It never happened. It was almost midnight, and you couldn't seem to sleep. You were so exhausted... Why can't you fall asleep? You decide to take out a pair of headphones and your phone, and start to play a music playlist of your favorite music. Definitely something more calming. After you get those headphones on, you walk out of your room as quietly as possible, careful not to wake your parents. You might be an adult, but you still can't seem to make the money to get your own apartment.

You walk to the bathroom, humming to the tune you were listening to. The way you look at your clearly tired face in the mirror makes you sigh and walk back out right away. Getting a snack seemed interesting! Maybe making some tea or hot cocoa would make you more tired...

The moment you return to your bed, all comfortable and cozy with your hot cocoa, you hear a bang in the living room. Maybe it's one of the cats..? Maybe not actually, it was too big of a noise to be the cats. You quickly get out of bed and grab the nearest sharp object just in case it's an intruder, and walk out of your room. You can't hear any breathing besides your own, so you walk a little closer with a very sharp pencil in your hand.

You took karate, you should be fine with the pencil as a distraction.

Slowly peeking around the corner, you look into the living room to see what happened... and you see a couple books on the floor, with your cat, Juniper, looking very guilty next to it. You put the pencil you had in your pocket, and go to pick up the kitty.

"Hey little buggy, what are you doing on the bookshelf?" She rubs her head into your hand even though you're trying your hardest to pet her. Instead of putting her down, you put the books back and take her to your room. Maybe having Junie's company will make you sleep faster!

It's been two days since Juniper first knocked over the books. It happened the following two days again, so when it happened today you didn't seem to think too much of the noise that came from your living room. It was the middle of the day, and your parents weren't home. They went out for lunch, trying to solve some marriage problems.

You take a look at the cat that was sitting on your bed. His name is Link, after your step-dad's favorite video game. He was all black with the prettiest blue eyes. You take him in your arms as you get up and walk to the living room.

Once you get through the archway of the hallway connecting to the living room, you see not a cat, but a skeleton monster. Quickly you set down Link and he runs right to the skeleton that was staring right at you. You didn't blink. You looked pale. The skeleton in front of you looked almost dead, he had no eye lights. If the aura of someone watching you wasn't creeping up your back, you would've thought he was fake.

The second your hand twitches, the monster in front of you bolts at you, watching for Link to not step on him. "Don't say a word, human," is all you hear as he covers your mouth and pins you against the wall. He has the darkest black sockets, with black liquid flowing out of it. It kind of looks like he's crying tar... the skeleton has a target right in front of his chest, which glows bright red as it shakes and flickers, shifting shapes slightly every couple seconds.

Are you going to die? Oh my stars. This is not normal, how did he even get in? But you had to admit his voice is- stars no don't think that about someone who might murder you on the spot.

Link is purring a lot on the floor next to the skeleton's feet, so you don't feel as threatened. In the distance you can also hear Juniper meowing with her adorable scratchy moo. The skeleton looked over at Juniper, but quickly turned back to you.

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