A friendly chat

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You notice the vast forest behind you, and how wonderful it looks next to the courtyard. The building ahead of you is tall. The architecture is just gorgeous, arcs, designs, and windows put in the perfect spots. The wings of the castle go beautifully on the sides, and you can't help but notice how well kept the castle is.

Do they clean this thing? Or are there other people in this castle..? Do they have servants!? They have to, there's no way the six of them could keep this all clean. You open your mouth to ask but you are quickly shushed.

"Shhhhh, you can comment later~!" Killer puts an arm over your left shoulder and sets his head on your right. Oh, is it walk hug time? Is that what's happening?

Once you all get close to the castle doors, you turn to the left. There is more of an open grass area over here and-

Now you see the surprise. There's a circular area with little tables around the edge of only what you could guess is an area to dance. This looks a lot like high school prom to you, but you try to brush that off. At the opposite end of the castle there's a huge group of large trees with one of the most well built treehouses you've ever seen.

When you approach the area, you find that there are a ton of folded blankets scattered just about everywhere. Now you have no idea what's happening.

"Now I'm sure you probably don't have an idea what's going on. Allow me to expla-"

"It's going to be so great you have no idea, Clover! We're going to watch movies, and snuggle, and maybe hav-"

"Enough, Killer. Do not interrupt me," You reach the area with the blankets, and find the tables are filled with food. You notice Horror setting food on the tables, and your stomach immediately grumbles. You flush embarrassingly, but nobody seemed to notice. Besides you, of course. "So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you may eat anything Horror has set out. They made it all for this occasion and we don't tend to keep leftovers. Also," Nightmare stops and looks directly at you. Your eyes widen but you keep as still as possible. "Horror will not hesitate to feed you themself if you don't eat. Make sure to do that."

Killer flops onto a group of blankets and pillows and it makes a big noise. Nicely cushioned. Dust is already snacking on some food, you notice.

"So feel as comfortable as possible, is what I'm saying. We will watch a movie, as Killer said, but not do what he was about to say when I interrupted him. You may go into the treehouse if you'd like, Error is probably in there right now. Got that?" You nod. "You may go do as you please until we start the movie on the projector."

You smile at the skeleton explaining the scenery. Maybe this is something they do a lot? You still have no idea why you're dressed up though. Why in the world would you be in a suit while watching a movie? "Nightmare? Why am I dressed up?" You ask the goopy skeleton.

He turns to you once more. "That is the surprise, darling."

Oh. So this isn't the surprise. You shrug, and put a smile on your face. This is so nice, all the planning and thought they put into this? You're so lucky to be close with a load of skeletons like this. They're all so understanding of everything, unlike most people where you're from.

You still aren't used to being called all these nicknames they've all given you. It's like having a family dog. Everyone calls the dog something different, but it still responds because it knows who is calling it. You feel sort of like that, with a ton of nicknames.

Not being able to decide what to do, you walk over to the food. There is a variety of food. Mexican, American, Asian, Italian, Chinese, and a few others you see. You pick your favorite and start eating nibble by nibble. Being near food attracts Horror, you assume. They look over you for a solid couple seconds.

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