Blue's Gambit

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A soft hum rang through an empty void. What is this place again? Blue couldn't remember, but he did remember who he couldn't keep his eyes off. A black skeleton with blue stripes down his cheeks as if they were odd looking tears sat on a red couch watching some dramatic television show.

"Mister?" Blue could barely blink before the skeleton in question flicked his head so quickly to look at Blue and shut off the TV while he was at it. "Why is it you're keeping me here again?" Blue asked, his voice soft.

The other skeleton stood up and walked over. He sat down next to Blue on the floor that was never there; yet it is. "You know your friends, Ink and Dream?" Blue nodded. "We found out some things about them. They treat you horribly, don't they?" Blue was about to shake his head. "No, think about it. They're basically gods and you're as mortal as any other monster. They ask you to do things that you shouldn't be doing every single day of your life. Do they really care about you?"

Blue sat in shock. Is he right..? Has he just been brainwashed into thinking they care? "...I uhm... never thought about that."

Error nodded. "I know we're seen as bad guys, but we're really just balancing the positivity and negativity in the universe. Your 'Friends' really just care about their social figure. They're seen as heros, but they're really just ruining the balance of the universe."

Blue didn't know what to say. Last time he was taken captive by Error, he wasn't as nice as he is now. "Why are you being nice to me now but not before?" Blue leaned back, laying down.

Error sighed. "I've realized you don't actually know everything about the multiverse's affairs. Ink and Dream don't tell you what's actually happening. They would store you in the deepest depths of hell just to keep you from us, as if they were 'saving' you from the bad guys," Error put a soft smile on his face. "I should've explained this earlier, huh?"

The small skeleton nodded. "It's okay... I'm trying to understand. I know they've been putting me through too much... but I wasn't aware- or rather I didn't care to notice exactly how much it was," Blue frowned. Has he really gone through this much?

The morning seeps into Blue's bedroom. A bright light shining, waking him up. He groans, sitting up and rubbing his tired face. Another day of being free of constant work, another morning waking up after a restful sleep. Blue stands up, looking around his room. Everything is clean, yet he still feels like he needs to do more. Not stimulated enough... odd, isn't it?

His body is still getting used to not doing stuff every second of the day, so not cleaning is really messing with him.

The heavy footsteps of what Blue recognizes to be Horror's walk by his door. Everyone must be awake, huh? Blue had heard that today is a big day for them. He sort of feels like an outcast in their group... they're all in a poly and they welcomed him into their home. He almost wished they didn't take him out of his old line of work.

The sudden buzz of Blue's phone getting a notification in his back pocket startles him briefly, but he picks it up and looks at what the notification was for. Good morning Blue, breakfast is ready. Horror should be coming up to get you. I hope you slept well. What a sweet text from Nightmare. He's surprisingly a lot nicer than anybody ever makes him out to be, but you can never truly judge somebody until you actually know them personally. Blue has always been a strong believer in that.

Blue feels like his fashion sense has gotten much better since he moved in with the bad guys, but maybe that's just him being happy he has the freedom to do so. He pulled on some fancy trousers, which were light brown in color and had sort of a corduroy stripiness to them. Blue also threw on a white button up shirt on, as well as a sweater vest that was midnight blue in color.

The small skeleton sighed, but he smiled quickly after. He left his bedroom, and began the trek through the castle. It wasn't too far; as his bedroom was almost directly above the kitchen. The moment Blue opened his door, he found Horror standing right next to it.

"Ya... done changing?" Horror is wearing an old t-shirt. It must have a lot of meaning to Horror, as he wears the tattered thing all the time.

Blue nods. "Yep! What's for breakfast?" The two begin walking down the hall to the closest staircase.

Horror hums, thinking about the food he had made. "Pancakes and uh... and waffles. Bacon and stuff, you know," Horror looked up, and then back down to the stairs. They walked down together, and out into a large room. The castle cafeteria was quite large, looking somewhat like the lunchroom in Harry Potter.

Blue had his designated spot to sit, as did the rest of the gang. He's happy that they all eat meals together. If someone didn't want to, they could just leave and go anywhere else they wanted to. Blue enjoys having freedom; finally.

Once Blue sits down with his food, he notices Error isn't here. He leans over to Dust and whispers, "Do you know where Ru is?"Dust looks over at him, confused.

He doesn't say anything, but he points to Nightmare and then points to his lap. Ah, there he is. Error was fast asleep cuddled against Nightmare. That's adorable, Blue thinks. But it also makes him wonder why Error would be so tired to the point he fell asleep on Nightmares lap. That's none of his business, but he can't help but worry.

The food Horror made is very delicious, Blue has to admit. Maybe not out loud, but he's grateful for this meal. If today is as packed as Blue has been told, he's quite worried. Will the gang be home? Are they all gonna leave him here again? Maybe that's something he shouldn't think about.

What's a day all alone gonna do? 

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