Happy Birthday!(Part 3)

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"U-Uh- uhm, Hello! I uh, I've never seen such a large group of skeletons- sorry. That's probably rude. I'm happy to get you guys a seat in the back. There's bigger tables back there."

"Thank you so much sir, you've been a big help," You smile at the waiter, and he leads the way for you to the table. The large groups of humans everywhere must seem really strange to your boyfriends. Hell, they're a bunch of murderers and these people don't have a clue. 

While you walk to the back, you notice Dust looking at you. You look back, and he shudders and looks away. You raise a brow and frown. That's a little odd, might end up sitting next to him to ask him what's up. 

You finally arrive at the table. It's actually a very large corner booth table, it would be sure to fit all of you guys and maybe even have extra room. 

Each skeleton sat in the booth, squeezing in one at a time. You suppose they're used to being squished together. Beside Error. He was on the end, and they put you on the other end. You had Dust next to you, Error across from you, and everyone else piled in between. 

"Alright. Now everyone pick something. I don't want to have you guys hesitate. I'm not playing dad right now," Nightmare glares at Cross and Horror, the most picky of them all. Well, Horror just wants to eat everything. Everything sounds good to him. And Cross, well… he just can never decide anything. He tends to get nervous a lot. 

You don't blame Cross, life must be a little strange for him. Also, the food here is all really good. You've tried most of it, living right around the corner and up the stairs. 

You look through the menu, and find something you like. You put down the menu, and look at everyone else. They all seem to have picked besides Cross who seems to be nervous, just like you theorized. Nightmare grabs his menu again, and looks through the menu. He raises his brow bones, and leans over to Cross. He whispers something, nothing you can hear. All you hear is the low hum of his deep voice and pick out the sound of "S". Cross nods, and looks a little more at ease. Killer nuzzled his nose in Cross' shoulder, which you think must've been an affectionate way of encouragement.

"Hey folks, how are you all doing?" You have a new waiter, she seems very happy. 

Error mumbles out sarcastically,"Great, thanks."

Nightmare forms a frown. "We're wonderful, thank you ma'am," His frown quickly turns into a smile. "It might take a minute for all of us to order, some nervousness and speech issues."

The waitress winced, "Oh, of course. What do all of you want?" 

You end up eating too much. You have a small stomach ache, but you push through. You all went back home to find the fort you had made crumbled all over the floor. You sigh, and grab the vacuum from underneath the blanket. You pull it back into the hall closet, and walk back. 

You're surprised(but shouldn't be), to find that everything else was cleaned up. However, your attention is quickly averted to the couch as Killer flops down on top of it. 

"Horror," You hear muffled. "Blanket, please?" He swiftly looks up, but then shoves his face back into the couch again. 

Horror sighs, but happily walks over and throws his blanket on top of Killer. It was folded, but Killer unfolded it most of the way. The blanket was way too big for him, so layering it would help make him warmer. 

"Kk, g'night guys…" most everyone blinks in confusion, besides Dust and Nightmare. They both had their usual dark, brooding, evil looking resting bitch faces.

"Hey, Buggy?" Error walks up to you and softly says. You turn and look at him. 

You respond with, "Yeah, what's up?" 

A Hop, A Skip, and Six Skeletons in my Apartment?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora