Happy Birthday!(Part 2)

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You frown. "Mom, just leave if you're going to treat me like a child in front of people I care about," You cannot hold back how angry you are. Quite frankly, your mother is aware of it. You still don't have the courage to slam the door in her face. She's still your mother.

She frowns right back, and angrily starts to yell. "I'm not going to let my baby turn into something gross! Clover, do you not see this? Are you not understanding what's happening here?" your mother points to the group of skeletons. You look back, and notice that literally every face has a disappointed look on it.

"Mom. I'm going to say this for the last time. Get out if you're going to treat me like this."

"I'm not even inside! Clover, you can't just tell me what to do. I'm your mother," Horrible response, you tell yourself. Your mother is just so entitled to her opinion it sickens you.

You push her back a little bit, and slam the door in her face. You can hear her yelling at you through the door, but decide to ignore it. You sit down back where you were before. "I'm so so sorry, I apologize for my mom's behavior. She's not exactly the best person."

"Need us to drag her out of the complex?" Killer laughs. However, you can tell he isn't completely joking. "I'm sure we can get her Karen-ness under control with the help of at least one of us," Killer stands up, and walks to the door. Before you could stop him, he's already opened it. "Heya ma'am! My name is Killer, nice ta meetcha."

Your mother gasps in offense, as if he told her she looked ugly or something of the sort. However, her husband speaks first. "My name is Dan, and this is Jessica. I'm Clover's step-dad, and this is their mother. I'm sorry for all the commotion she's causing, she just needs a bit of time to think about things."

Killer stands in shock. He didn't expect just a nice response. Your mother also stands in shock.

"Give this to Clover, would you? I'll take Jessica home," Your step-dad takes your mothers hand and starts walking her to the elevator. You can hear your mom complaining to your step-dad about what he had said to Killer.

Killer stands at the door, with a present in his hand. It's a box with blue wrapping paper and tied up with a yellow ribbon. There was a tag that read Happy Birthday Clover!

Killer closes the door, a frown on his face. What an odd experience... He wonders how much you really go through. He disregards the thought, and sits back down on the couch. "This is for you, Meg," Killer hands you the box, and slouches back into the couch. He seems to think it's comfortable. You take the present from him, and open it up. The wrapping paper crinkles as you set it next to you on the floor. You open the box that was underneath the wrapping paper, and take out what you find inside. It's a set of micron liners, as well as a ton of stickers and a bag of cool rocks. Your mom has always loved finding rocks whenever she goes to beaches or on walks around her neighborhood. There's a card inside the box at the bottom, and you open it up.

It reads, Happy Birthday Clover, Dan and I tried our hardest to think of what you would want. I'm sorry we haven't gotten you anything the past couple years, I hope this is enough for you. -Mom & Dan.

You have a smile on your face. She may be an asshole, but she never means any harm. You look in the box again, and find a stack of money. You gasp, and pick it up. Five hundred dollar bills... you really need that right now. You now have enough money to pay rent and get yourself some things for yourself.

Everyone behind you is either watching you, or watching the movie in front of you. You hear some movement, and turn around. Guess Nightmare did decide that it'd be better if he sat down. In this case, he pulled a dining room chair up next to the couch. Right next to Killer, just to make fun of him. You giggle, and stand back up. You'll let Killer deal with that.

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