New Home

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"...Everything is gone..." You're no longer in the ruins of your home. Nightmare had brought you to his castle, and showed you to his room. There apparently weren't any other rooms ready for another person to stay in yet, so you decided you'll just stay in the other's rooms until they got it all together.

You still have your bag of your favorite clothes and your art supplies, but that's about it. Everything else is gone. You've never felt such a loss before... your friends are gone, your family is gone, everything you thought you'd have forever is gone. Humans have the instinct to do things. You don't have anything to do anymore, and it feels weird.

"I'm sorry this had to happen," Cross says, walking you around the courtyard. "It happens to every AU, eventually. It was hard for me too, I can't imagine how it feels for you though," Cross is holding your hand, giving you some comfort in a situation that feels horrible. Neither of you had experienced anything close to this beforehand, but there's some times that can be a small comparison.

"I know this must be really hard for you," Your mother said with a hushed tone. "Don't worry Chloe, I'll always be here for you."

Your mother, in fact, was one of the first people dead in the battle.

"Hey guys, remember that one lady that ruined our partner's childhood?" Dust smiled. "I found out where she lives, Wanna go jump her?"

"Yeah, sounds fun heheh," Killer responded.

You don't exactly know what all is going to happen, but you almost feel like you're going to throw up you're so nervous. You've lost things before, but never your entire life. Your purpose is gone, your home destroyed. No family, no friends. Nothing.

You can feel tears start to form at the corners of your eyes, and look away from Cross. "I just don't know what to do," You hiccup and turn back to Cross. There's the waterworks... you're not even embarrassed to cry in front of him. What bad could come up of a sweet skeleton caring about you? "Do I just sit here for the rest of my life?? What'll happen when I grow old and die??"

Cross cringes at the thought, a grimace appearing on his face. "Humans in this world die unlike others," Cross turns to you, giving you a hug. "Life is eternal in this realm, humans turn into skeletons once their souls are too weak to handle a human body. It's not like most worlds, but it's nice in certain situations."

Something in you wavers. What are you even supposed to do? Become a murderer like your boyfriends? That's not something you thought you'd ever do. It doesn't sound appealing either. You could always draw, but you can't always do that. You want a job back, you want to work up to something.

Life is almost completely meaningless now. You have your skeletons and your art still, but that shouldn't be all you have in life. "I'm happy I got to save certain things from that place..." Like your cats, your art supplies, and you get to keep your skeleton boyfriends. "And I'm happy I got to leave with you."

You and Cross start to come around the castle to where Error's tree house is. Error has been known for just crocheting and knitting away in there when he has nothing else to do. You're thinking today is just another day to your skeletons, maybe they're used to this. Destroying worlds, fighting other skeletons, its probably just like any other day.

You keep walking, heading towards Errors tree. It's a great place for hanging out, as the overall vibe of the treehouse is really calming. You think it helps Error calm down when he needs support.

As you climb the ladder to the treehouse, you hear Error pacing around. Sometimes you think that he has trouble staying still. It doesn't bother you however, because sometimes you also have issues staying still. Normally it's when you feel worked up, but you never really know how Error is feeling.

The pacing stops as soon as you get up the ladder, and you look around in an attempt to find where Error is. Cross is right behind you, also confused.

The two of you are swept into strings, dangling from the ceiling. Error appears in front of you. "Why the hell are you here??" Error is staring at Cross. You don't think that he's noticed you, but you can't be sure.

"Error? Are you alright?" You ask, looking at Error upside down. He flicks his head to face you immediately. You're nervous, his face still has a very angry look to it. However, it quickly melts into sorrow.

"Clover..." His strings are slowly released. "Are you alright? I know you must've just gone through a lot. I'm proud of you for getting through it," You look at him in awe. Obviously this wasn't just because of your entire world being destroyed, but also you don't know how to go forward after this.

Cross looks at Error with a face of utter disgust. "Oh, so you'll talk to them nicely and not me? The same thing happened to me Ru!" Cross has always loved attention, and Error doesn't like giving attention. Unless he's in the mood.

Error raised a brow. Is he seriously saying that? "Cross, I know you like attention; but Clover is in the middle of what you've gone through. And they didn't have a nice life like you did before shit went downhill. I respect your trauma, but shut. The fuck. Up."

You look at Error, who hasn't broken eye contact with Cross. You can admit it does seem a little bit immature of him to complain about his issues and you're at your worst. But you can't help but feel bad... Cross did go through a lot. You walk over to Cross and give him a hug. "Don't worry about it, Error. I understand what he's gone through, and I know it's rough," You look at Cross, smiling. "We both got fucked over, huh?"

Error seems offended that you're taking Cross' side. In truth, your not taking either one's side. You might be at your worst, but you still want to make them happy; no matter what you're going through. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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