A Dreamy Issue

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The stars are as bright as ever in the sky around the castle, but nobody feels comforted by them today. "I know everyone feels the need to go out and break stuff," Nightmare looks across at his partners. "But the stars are making it really rough for us. Find any alternative- besides drugs, because we need to figure out a way to protect ourselves."
Killer doesn't like the sound of not doing drugs instead of a LV high. He normally does drugs anyways, but Nightmare is trying to get him out of that habit.
Error feels as if the multiverse is crumbling. He can feel the balance of positivity and negativity shifting, and it's really messing with his mood. He's been a lot more tired recently; as if he were being put down due to his failure in keeping things strung together.
Really everyone has their opinion on what's happening, but nobody is happy about it. Horror looks upset, Dust looks like he's about to punch someone, and Cross looks disappointed. Everyone knows Cross doesn't exactly enjoy ruining universes, but he doesn't hate it either.
But all of them are undeniably having a bad time.

You wake up to the sound of footsteps outside your bedroom door. The commotion is loud enough to wake you, so you're a bit concerned. You check your phone to see what time it is, and it says 4:13am. That's a bit early, odd. Maybe it's just the cats.
You get up and put on a fuzzy bathrobe and open the door to your room. Slowly, you open the door to your bedroom and peek outside to see what's happening. From what you can see, there's nobody there. But you grab the closest sharp object you can and walk out.
"Is there anybody out here?" You call into the dark apartment. There's no response, so you walk forward. There seems to be a glowing light coming from the kitchen. You turn around the corner and look at what's causing this commotion.
There sits a skeleton on the floor. This one is unlike anything you'd ever seen; he has wings and glows yellow like the sun. He looks to be putting away some pans. Maybe he didn't hear you.
"Hey, are you-" the skeleton looks back. He looks like he's crying, but you don't want to assume. "Are you okay?"
The skeleton in front of you looks back. He adjusts his wings and nods. "Yeah, thank you for asking. That was very kind of you for saying to someone who broke into your house, huh?" The skeleton stood up. He wore mostly yellow with accents of gray and teal. You also notice a crown on his head, which is covered in thriving flowers.
You sigh. "Last time a skeleton landed in my house without warning I made a very good relationship with him and his friends," That probably doesn't make sense to this one, but you try to help him understand.
He frowns. "Last time? Are you saying that a group of skeletons just waltzed in here and didn't kill you?"
You tilt your head. "I don't know if I can trust you…"
The skeleton in front of you tilts his head too. "Well… my name is Dream and I'm the prote-"
"Yeah no I've heard not good things about you, kind sir," You look him up and down. Why didn't you realise this earlier? He's bright and looks happy and dressed in almost all yellow. Exactly how Nightmare described him.
Dream shook his head. "Who would be telling you about me?" He stopped for a moment but then looked back up and frowned even more. "You," He looked at you with an angry face. "You're the human that Nightmare's gang has been seeing, aren't you?"
You back up. This doesn't sound good. "Listen buddy, I don't know you but people I care about don't like you so please back off."
He didn't. In fact, he just kept getting closer and closer. "Clover. Is it not? I've been looking for you," His face started to look more apologetic than anything. "You have gone through a lot in your life. And those monsters aren't going to make it better. I know this is weird to hear from a stranger, but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. If you don't comply, I will take you by force. For your own safety."
You make a face of disgust. This is really gross, being taken away from your partners against your will? Rude, much. However; you have a plan. "Ugh, fine. Let me go pack some clothes though I don't want to wear a bathrobe for however long you're holding me captive."
Dream looks you down. He nods slowly. "Alright. But I am looking through your stuff to make sure you don't try anything," Dream knows you're not just anybody. You are friends with the gang the entire multiverse fear; his own brother's gang.
You nod. You turn around and walk back into your room. You immediately text the gang's group chat.

You:dream at my house rn
You:getting kidnapped guys </3

You close your phone and start putting stuff in your bag. Various pieces of clothes that make you feel happy, and some art supplies. Internally you hope that they're not sleeping. You know that the day-night cycle is different in that universe.
You don't want your cats to starve. You don't want your friends to miss you. You don't want your boss to fire you. This is going to be a big problem if you're captive for too long.
A weird noise bleeds from your closet; as if it were being torn apart. Soon, you realise what the sound is. A giant knife splices through the air, leaving a bright red mark in the not-space. Error calls it the antivoid.
There appears Cross, and behind him walks in the entire gang. Including Blue. They seem pretty serious about this, which you hope they are. You mouth, help, he's in the kitchen. And point towards your door. The rip next to the closet closes up like the world was fabric being sewn together.
The group of skeletons walk out of your room, Nightmare going first. You hear him say something and Dream yell back. You walk closer to hear.
"Dream. I just want to talk to you. This will be much easier if you just listen to me rather than fight me," Nightmare stood there with his brother a foot away from his face.
"I don't want to listen to you. You took Blue and Cross from us, I'm not going to let an innocent human fall to your hands," Dream frowns and put his hands on his hips.
"Clover means a lot to us, and you know we're never positive about anything. Clover will just be more devastated if you kidnap them," Nightmare rubs the bridge of his nose with his index, middle fingers, and thumb.
Dream looks over at you. "There's no way. No way they're happy with a bunch of murderers," He looks at you for you to help him out with this. However, you're not on his side.
You budge in, a frown on your face. "If you think kidnapping people is the best answer to your problems, you're very wrong. I love all of these people, even if it's just platonically. You're clearly closed minded if you can't understand other people's feelings."
You don't know who this is, but just because he's pretty doesn't mean he gets automatic respect. Dream looks back and forth between you and Nightmare. You hold his hand and furrow your brows. "Leave."
Dream gasps as if he were offended. "I don't want to destroy a world fighting you, Nightmare. This is not going to get anywhere if you don't hand them over."
Nightmare looks at you. He pulls you closer and looks at Dream. "You don't know what it's like to have something you love very dearly ripped away just because someone else-"
"OF COURSE I DO!" Dream couldn't hold back. He starts crying, the emotions getting to be too much. "YOU WERE RIPPED AWAY FROM ME, AND THEN YOU TOOK BLUE AND CROSS AWAY FROM ME TOO!"
The tears on his face look real. You don't think he's faking it. "No. You didn't love me," You hear Blue speak up. "If you really loved me, you would want to understand how I feel, what my needs are, how much someone I cared about was hurting me physically and mentally. So you have no right to speak," Blue frowned and walked back to Cross. They were both in similar situations.
You walk over to them too, and as your walking, you feel the ground below you seem sticky and wet. Did one of your cats pee on the floor again? You look down and see a puddle of inky blackness below you. You feel a hand grip your ankle and you get pulled down into the puddle, screaming.

A Hop, A Skip, and Six Skeletons in my Apartment?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें