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"OKAY, HOW do we start?" Viktor asked as him, Sloane, Ariya, Lila and Christopher stood on a circle while the other hung back.

Ben and Ariya were not so politely interrupted by Fei when they were doing their victory high five for getting Viktor back.

"Let's finish it later." Ben says and Ariya nods.

"Have you ever moved a nest of bees?" Sloane asked.

"No, because that's weird." Lila answered.

"I did, and it hurts." Ariya chuckled.

"What?" Five questioned at her dumbness.

"What? my sister dared me." Ariya shrugged.

"What happened to your father?" Diego shouted.

"What?" Ariya asked.

Luther and Five hit Diego.

"Ignore him." Ben told her.

"How come he didn't adopt children with dad in this timeline?" Diego whispered.

"He's dead." Five answered.

"What?" all the brelly's shout.

"Cut the chitchat." Ben shouted.

"Anyways, a nest of bees... You can't just pick it up. You have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it." Sloane finishes.

Christopher speaks which make Ariya and Sloane nod.

Sloane starts to use her powers as she up on the air.

"One of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate." Fei tells them.

I can feel them." Viktor nods.

"Good. Whatever happens,don't let them speed up or change, or everything will blow." Fei instructed.

"Don't shake the bees. Got it." Viktor nodded.

"Lila, when you're ready, do exactly like Viktor, and Ariya-"

"Run around and contain it. Okay." Ariya nods seriously.

Viktor starts and so does Lila.

"Hey, what's she doing?" Luther asked Ben.

"Using its own gravity to condense it." Ben answers.

Christopher speaks.

"That's pretty cool, huh?" Luther smiles and Ben give him an annoyed look.

Just then Ariya starts running around it so it stays contained.

"You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God." Grace walks in looking angry.

"Mom?" Diego asks.

"You have no right to do that." Grace says in the same tone.

"We're a little busy here, Grace." Luther tells her.

"The day of vengeance was in my heart..."

"What are you talking about?" Diego asks.

"...and my year of redemption hath come." Grace recites as her voice becomes more and more robotic and pulls out a flame thrower and points it at them.

The Hargreeves take cover as they try to fight her off.

Five spatial jumped himself and Grace so Diego wouldn't have to kill Grace.

"Christopher, now!" Sloane tells Chris as he broke himself apart and contained the kugelblitz.

Ariya kept running as the rest of them grunted trying to keep the god contained.

Everyone gasped for air when Chris finally finished.

Ariya stopped abruptly and sat on the ground trying to breathe.

Five spatial jumped back and asked, "Did it work?"

"Next Kugelwave in three, two, one-" Sloane said eagerly as everyone around had their hopes up.

Christopher shakes which scares the shit out of Ariya, only for him to fart.

"Oh thank god." Ariya sighed as Christopher spoke.

Ben chuckled and helped her up.


Ben popped the glass of champagne as he took a sip just as Ariya put 'another one bites the dust' on her phone.

Everyone was finally happy and dancing.

Ben poured the champagne in Five and Ariya's glasses as she laughed finally feeling the knife behind her back gone.

Soon enough everyone was having the time of their life.

Fei walks up to Allison bows at her.

Viktor and Allison just stood there and watched.

Ariya grabbed Ben and they finally finished their 5 minute long high five and continued to dance.

They were surprisingly good dancers...

compared to the brelly ben and riya.

Guess Ben paid attention to his classes in this timeline.

"You took me for everything that I had and and kicked me out of my own." Ariya shouted at Ben who both had smiles on their faces.


"I'm glad we made peace. It all worked out." Ben said as he poured champagne into Fei's glass.

"Yeah. But we're definitely killing the min the morning, right?" Fei smirks.

"Is that necessary?" Ariya asked who was sitting with Ben, and Christopher speaks.

"Yes. And Chris has dibs on knife boy." Fei adds.

"No one is killing anyone."

"Why not?" Fei asked, "We followed your plan, merged the families, saved the world. We don't need them anymore."

"I'm not done yet." Ben answers.

"Done what?"

"That's between me and Dad."

 Fei stood straight, "You made a deal with Dad?" 

"Maybe." Ben shrugs.

"Fine. I'm done." Fei stands up.

"Sit down." Ben orders.

"No. We don't recognize your authority anymore. You're a terrible leader with no loyalty to anyone but yourself and maybe her." Fei disagrees and looks at Ariya.

"You don't speak for Christopher." Ben and Ariya stood up.

"Why can't we have one drink without arguing?" Ariya groans and Christopher tells her something.

"Chris stop flirting with her and really? traitor." Ben spits venom.

Fei snickers.

"I'm Number One. You'll do as I say when I say it."

"Not anymore. Here's to a new life without this dickhead." Fei says and clinks her glass with Christopher. 

Energy fluctuates.

"Christopher, what's wrong?" Fei asks.

"Dude are you okay?" Ariya asks when she notices Christopher struggling all of them take a step forward.

"Back away, Fei." Ben warns and pulls Ariya behind him when he noticing Chris literally breaking.

"Chris, it's going to be okay." Fei doesn't listen and takes a step forward.

"Fei!" Ben warns.

"I'm going to help you. Just-" Just then Chris blew up and took Fei with him.

Ariya and Ben flew behind and passed out instantly.

The world was back on schedule... to end. 


thanks for reading loves<3

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