Chapter 19: Wallowing in Humiliation

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"Looks like they all finally either went home or passed out," Prima said as she looked out into the now quiet dining hall.

Due to the fun, the floor was now covered in a disgusting mass of fallen food, spilled alcohol, and now-soiled pieces of confetti. Some people had even dropped their mugs, leaving them to lay on the ground while others were tipped over on the tables. Once the moon had risen high and the headaches had begun to catch up to those who came, the crowd had considerably thinned. Thanks to the level of drinking, many of the villagers who arrived had partied themselves to sleep at their tables, while some had disappeared into the upstairs beds they had rented. Those who hadn't somehow fallen asleep and didn't have a bed had stumbled their way back to their homes, leaving the inn filled with the echoes of snores and deep breathing. Prima took a sigh of relief.

Even with help, this still ended up being quite the evening, she thought as she scanned the room. Soon, her eyes found themselves staring at one of the back end tables with a large, younger Hylian slumped over and snoring. I also didn't expect to have so many distractions...

"It suddenly got quiet," a voice suddenly said. Prima turned to see Zelda, walking back into the dining hall with a few cleaning supplies in hand. "It's amazing how a place can change in such a short amount of time."

"Was it the experience you were hoping for?" Prima asked, taking note of the wine stains that covered her employee's body. The girl smiled.

"Of course," she said cheerfully. "This was what I wanted. If anything, I feel closer to the village than I ever have before."

"Is that so...?" Prima asked quietly. She glanced down at the hand Zelda was holding her broom in. Her knuckles were white. "Zelda... Why don't you go home for the evening?"

"What?" she asked, taken aback by the sudden suggestion. "But, Prima, I can't leave this to you. Look at the mess! It'll take you hours to finish—"

"It's something I'm used to," Prima said with a chuckle. "I can handle this on my own. Besides, this is your first time working this late and we have another day of this to work with tomorrow. You need your rest."


"Zelda," Prima said in a gentle, but stern voice. Carefully, she reached out and took hold of the broom Zelda so tightly held. With a frown, she reluctantly released it, allowing Prima to take it away. "Go ahead and leave everything else on the counter. Rest up, and I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"I understand, thank you," Zelda answered quietly.

After a quick bow, she exited the room, leaving her boss alone with the mess and her sleeping customers. Tiredly, Prima looked out into the mess again before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. After convincing herself that she had enough energy to finish the work that same night, she began to sweep the alcohol-drenched confetti as best she could.

As she began cleaning the dining hall, Zelda had already made it out the lobby's double doors and down the steps into the village pathways. She kept her gaze down, unable to keep her eyes off the large purple stains on her dress. Now that she was outside in the evening air, she was now painfully aware of the wine aroma that now corrupted her usual scent. She quickened her pace, wanting nothing more than to go home and change and be done with the evening.

"Hey, Zelda!" a voice suddenly called out to her.

She closed her eyes, choosing to take a deep breath before turning to see who was calling out to her. On the side of the road, standing in front of the bright and colorful dye shop was its rat-looking owner and his wife, both standing in front of the door with another figure, one that looked to be one of the usual farmers.

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