Chapter 25: A Passionate Traveler

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And you're the only person who can see him!

Replacing her father's, these words had now begun to constantly ring in Link's ears as he glided his hands across the bedspread in order to flatten it against the mattress. The sun had long since risen and Zelda, without saying more than one word in goodbye, had already disappeared to the inn. Not wanting to start an argument and make things more tense than they currently were, Link had chosen to simply let her go, despite his conscience warning him of the traveler who currently resided there. Besides, even he couldn't argue with himself against the fact that it was he who put them there in the first place with a snowball. Still, he couldn't help but still feel a bit irritated.

"I'm the only one who can see him," he mumbled as he fixed the pillows at the front of the bed. "Well, in case she hadn't noticed, I'm the only one keeping an eye out for him..."

He blew air through his nostrils in annoyance as he sat up and inspected his freshly made bed before turning to head down the stairs and out of the house into the snow. As vexed as he was, he couldn't help but internally admit that what she said was true; after weeks, he was the only one who had managed to catch a glimpse of what he half-heartedly believed to be the Yiga. The only other times he had seen what he believed to be him that others could see were only when he was believed to be a traveler in disguise, and yet, even this had a flaw he couldn't ignore: the travelers truly seemed like they were actual travelers.

"Are there really just some people in Hyrule I haven't met?" Link asked out loud as he turned towards the stables on the side of the house. "Does it really seem that crazy to believe that I've met everyone?"

He simply couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Each of the unknown travelers were strange. The first one who bumped into Zelda at the inn only stopped by for a moment and then chose to leave in the middle of the night, not renting a bed. The second one went down to a simple snowball, and regardless of what his lover claimed, a ball of snow shouldn't take out a person who has survived on such dangerous roads. Of course, not every traveler was the same. He had to admit to himself that he had met travelers who weren't the best at fighting, yet they always had their own tricks and skills; something that would keep them alive.

"It also just seems a bit too coincidental that all these travelers I don't know want to appear right after I supposedly saw the Yiga here himself," Link mumbled as he went to pat Epona's muzzle. "But, then's also unlike the Yiga to not attack when encountered. They're always impatient, yet these two haven't done anything."

Growling in frustration, he turned away from the stall and kicked the snow. In displeasure, the chestnut mare and the white stallion both whined at the sight of their tense master.

"Sorry... Sorry..." Link sighed as he turned back to his horse. "I know, I apologize to you too, Storm. I'm just... Well, I dunno what I am right now. What I do know is that it's time for you guys to eat."

After stroking his mare's silver mane, he looked over at the side of the stable house, where a pitchfork was leaned up against the wall. Furrowing his brow, he looked down at the snowy ground.

"And we're out of hay," he mumbled to himself. Taking a deep breath, he took the pitchfork in hand. "It looks like I have a morning workout ahead of me. I'll be back, you two."

The horses blew through their noses in response as Link rested the tool over his shoulder and began heading towards the bridge. Unfortunately, the words from earlier hadn't disappeared. In fact, only more of Zelda's accusations from yesterday had been added to his already jumbled mind.

How could you go against me like that?

Those words make me feel a bit nostalgic, he thought to himself as he crossed the bridge and continued into the village. I don't want to lie to her, but she doesn't believe me, just like everyone else, and it's not like I fully believe myself either...

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