Chapter 20: The Second Serving

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"Okay," Zelda exclaimed at the desk. She waved her hair back and forth in front of the Sheikah Slate camera, ensuring that the ponytail she had pulled her hair back into would stay. "I should be perfectly ready for tonight."

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Link asked, walking up behind her before placing his hands on the back of her chair.

"Of course, what makes you ask that?" she asked in return, turning off the slate's camera as she turned her body to meet his eyes.

"Well, I can't help but notice you've decided against the usual braid in your hair," he answered. "It's almost as if you're worried something will be spilled in it and it'll be a hassle to clean out again if so."

"Link, I will be fine," Zelda said as she stood from the desk and walked around him with her work dress billowing at her ankles. "I will have everything under control tonight. It's just a... precaution."

"If you say so," he answered, looking over the railing as he watched her hurry down the stairs. "Do you want me to make you any food?"

"I'll eat at the inn, I'm positive Prima will have a lot of food already prepared," Zelda replied as she opened the door. "I'll be back late tonight!"

"Have a good day!" Link yelled as she disappeared into the snow. The moment the door closed behind her, he sighed. "She's most certainly still worried... Hm..."

He looked over to the desk, where the Sheikah Slate remained sitting peacefully on its surface. Deciding to take a seat in the chair Zelda had left empty, he took the device into his hands. After a few taps, in a flash of blue light strings, a black cloak with a white pattern on its back appeared in his hands.

I'm sure she'll be too busy to notice I'm there if it's as busy as it usually is, Link thought to himself as he set the slate down before beginning to inspect the size of the cloak's hood. If Amira and Nikki try anything, I'm sure that I could stop it. Though...

He paused, lowering his hands as he looked down at his knees.

I've been going against her wishes and hiding things from her a lot these past few weeks, haven't I?

After a few moments of painstaking silence, he placed the cloak down on the desk and stood. He walked across the loft and crouched down beside the bed. Reaching under the bed, he wrapped his fingers around the now familiar handle of the now familiar weapon and pulled it out; the burned Windcleaver. He pushed himself to his feet and stared at the curved blade that now glistened in the sunlight. With a deep breath, he turned and sat on the bed sheets.

It's not like I want to lie to her, he continued to tell himself. But since she doesn't believe me, what am I supposed to do? I can barely believe myself at this point.

His grip tightened around the wrapped handle.

I hate it. I hate myself, but, he thought, furrowing his brow. Even if no one believes me... Even if I don't believe myself... on the chance it's true, I have to do what must be done.

With a frown, he leaned down and threw the sword back under the bed. Standing from the bed, he made his way to the staircase, grabbing the cloak off the desk as he passed. He headed down the stairs before following Zelda's footsteps out the door. Turning the moment he stepped out into the snow, he followed the front of the house before stopping in front of the stables, where the muzzle of a chestnut horse greeted him.

Amira and Nikki usually arrive later in the evening from what I remember during my last visit, he told himself as he unhinged Epona's stall gate, allowing her to roam free. For now, I'll focus on those two....

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