Chapter 37: Snowed In

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The snow continued to fall upon the mountain range, freezing patches of Link's hair as the flakes landed against him. He balanced himself on the stirrups of Epona's saddle as he rushed her through the snow, holding a lead rope connected to Storm, guiding the horse as he galloped closely behind. The horses bolted through the mountain pass, passing the white trees as the additional weight from the snow caused their branches to snap. Link gritted his teeth as the frigid winds brushed against his face, burning his eyes and skin as he spurred Epona on. It wasn't until he had reached the base of the mountain did the winds slightly let up. He rode through the forests before passing through the remains of the old fort and into the familiar ruins of fields and town.

Though the snowfall was far less intense than in Hateno Village, the snow still covered a majority of the landscape. There wasn't a blade of grass to be seen and the destroyed roads had vanished beneath the snow. What little of the stone brick buildings remained stuck out through the snow blanket, and even the guardian remains were barely visible, with their bodies white and the top of their mossy heads now matching. Only their singular eyes and gray faces were able to be somewhat made out between the sparkling powder. It was actually a beautiful sight to take in, and yet, Link didn't bring Epona to a stop.

He sped through the snow, guiding her down the invisible path he had long since memorized. He didn't know how long he had been riding. Maybe it was because the scenery was so dark, along with the snow making it different from usual. It could have been because the moon wasn't visible. Or maybe it was because of the drinks he had earlier. Regardless, he continued on, passing the occasional sign and boulder before finally, his eyes picked up on a warm light in the distance. With a sigh of relief, he began to slow the horses down to a trot.

Though it seemed unfamiliar from afar, he knew the stable he had reached was the Dueling Peaks stable, though the mountainous peaks that gave the stable house its name weren't much visible through the darkness and snow. Just barely, a large black mass could be seen a little further down the road, towering over the stable as the tops disappeared into the dark clouds above. While the peaks themselves were dark, the stable remained bright as the inside with torches, keeping the tented sleeping area as warm as possible against the snow. With the insides still fairly heated, the bearded man standing at the front counter stayed warm as he watched the snowfall.


At the call of his name, the stablemaster looked over and squinted through the snow as two large shadows appeared. It took a few moments for him to realize it was two horses, one of which happened to be carrying a familiar face.

"Link? Is that you?" the stablemaster asked as the visitor came to a stop.

"Yeah, it's me," Link said, jumping off of Epona's saddle. "Where's Rensa?"

"My brother's inside, just like you should be! Why are you riding in a storm like this? Aren't you freezing?"

"I'm riding because there is a storm like this; I need to put the horses somewhere safe," Link said, bringing his hand down to the pouch on his lower back. "And I'm not as cold as I probably should be. I've got a little something keeping my chest warm..."

"Will you be alright getting back home though?" the stablemaster asked. "You can't seriously be thinking of camping out here."

"Yeah, I'll be alright," Link said. "I grabbed a little something before I took the horses. Here, take this."

Pulling a red rupee from his pouch, he handed it to the man behind the counter.

"Link, you know we don't charge for boarding," he said, holding the rupee out in his palm, but Link simply waved him away.

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