Chapter 23: Cracks in the Façade

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Link slowly opened his eyes, only for him to wince in discomfort. His eyes burned as if they had been underwater. After blinking a few times, his vision began to clear, revealing a large bulbous machine above him. Its vine-like paths that hung from the ceiling glowed a dull blue aura, something that kept his eyes entertained until he found the strength to push himself up. The room that surrounded him was dark, with the only light available to him being the machine above and the occasional dim orange circle that dotted the walls. Even the bed he was in didn't seem normal; it was almost like a tub, one that was made of a strange stone.

He tried to remember where he was, yet his mind was filled with so much fog; trying to find his way through felt impossible. Thanks to his grogginess, it didn't take much effort for him to quit trying to piece together his past. Instead, he opted to simply climb from the tub he was in to start whatever it was he would choose to do next. At least, whenever his brain decided to catch up with his body.

Though he couldn't remember anything, the space and even his next actions felt vaguely familiar. He took the slate that suddenly propped itself up from the pedestal in the corner. The strange door opened to reveal a hallway. From inside the chests that decorated the corridor, he dressed himself in a set of old and faded clothes that he found before opening another large door at the end of the hall. He held up his arm, instinctively ready to be blinded by the radiating light of the sun, yet this light never appeared. Instead, the stairs that were revealed to be behind the door remained dark. Confused, thanks to his weird sense of familiarity, he proceeded up the staircase, having to climb up the middle of the destroyed part of it, before finally stepping into the outside world.

Instead of being greeted by the bright morning sun, the dim rays of the moon that broke through the dark and cloudy sky illuminated the wilderness just enough to be visible. The sound of crickets echoed through the wind that rustled the leaves and tall grass. Link took a step forward, listening to the small creatures skidding away from him in response. He looked over the edge, observing the dark landscape before noticing a small flicker of light. Following the cliff, he stood on a downward path that hugged the mountainside, where it led to the rolling fields below. Near the end of the path, carved into the side of the cliff, was a little campsite, where a fire brightened the small divot.

Curious, Link followed the path until he found himself peering into the site. It wasn't anything grand, just a small makeshift fire with a torch leaning against the wall, along with a man. He was an older man, dressed in dark clothes with a hood that covered most of his face, though a large white beard was clearly visible. In hand was a large walking stick with a lantern hanging from the top. He didn't say anything upon Link's arrival. In fact, the man didn't seem to notice his presence. He continued to stare out into the forest, seemingly unaware of anyone else near him.

Unsure of what to do with himself, Link looked around before noticing a darkened apple on the ground, illuminated with an orange glow from the fire it sat next to. He crouched and took the apple in hand before sitting next to the man. For whatever reason, he knew the old guy wasn't dangerous. After getting comfortable in the grass, he raised the apple to his mouth, yet before he could take a bite, the old man spoke.

"How are you, Link?"

"I'm... fine?" Link answered, still holding the apple up.

"I see," the old man replied. Again, he went silent. Link opened his mouth, ready to take a bite of the apple, but before he could, the man spoke again. "How is Zelda?"

"Z-Zelda?" Link repeated. At the mention of the name, he could feel the fog in his mind beginning to clear away. "She's...I guess she's fine too..."

"You guess?" the man repeated. Link slowly lowered the apple.

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