Chapter 39: A Stinging Realization

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Zelda slowly opened her eyes, revealing the faint orange glow from the fire down below. She yawned and sat up from the bed, looking down to see she hadn't removed her dress or even bothered to cover herself with the sheets. She figured she must've passed out from the lack of sleep from the past few days. She didn't bother looking out the covered window, knowing full well she wouldn't see anything that could tell her how long she was out. What she could tell though, was everything seemed rather quiet. Her ears twitched, yet all she could hear was the crackling of the flames and the ever-so-slight creak of the house. The wind outside had ceased, or at least calmed.

With a frown, she swung her legs over and slowly pushed herself to her feet. Walking over to the railing, she peered into the downstairs area. It was the same view she saw every time she looked down: the fire burning on the floor, keeping the place warm while dimly lighting the house, with Link sitting nearby at the table. Nothing had changed.

Allowing her fingers to slip off from the wooden rail, she quietly made her way downstairs before glancing over at Link again. Judging by the bags under his eyes, it looked as though he hadn't slept, at least not recently. She didn't comment on this, knowing full well how the conversation would pan out. Instead- just as she had been doing for the last few days- she made her way to the counter, ready to grab whatever food she could find. It wasn't long before she noticed the unfamiliar bottle sitting on its surface.

She took the bottle in hand. Noticing it was open, she lifted it up and gave it a sniff. The moment the foul odor of flavoring hit her nostrils, she ever so slightly recoiled before looking back at Link. Gently, setting the bottle down, she cleared her throat as best she could.

"H-have you been drinking?" she asked, her voice hoarse from how little she had spoken in the past few days.

"I have," Link answered without looking at her. His gaze was stuck on the wall covered with the century-old weapons, glistening against the fire's orange glow.

"Are... Are you sure you should be-?"

"It's fine, Zelda," he said simply. "This isn't as strong as what Prima made that night."


"It's fine," he insisted. "I'm of age. Besides, I've only had one cup."

Silence grew between them for a few seconds before Zelda attempted to speak again.

"But there are two cups on the table..." she said quietly.

Link looked away from the weapons, glancing past his empty cup and bowl. He stared at the second empty cup at the other end of the table before looking back at the wall.

"We had a visitor last night," he said simply. "I'm sure you can guess who it was."

"Him?" Zelda asked disingenuously. When Link gave a slight nod, she glanced around the spotless house. Deeming a scuffle had not taken place, she took a silent breath and asked, "and what did he want? He simply came for a drink?"

"He came to challenge me," Link said, choosing to ignore the tone in her voice. "I'll be heading to Hyrule Castle when the snow has cleared enough."

"Even without the slate?" Zelda asked.

"I'll go on foot if I have to. I've journeyed like that before."

Zelda stood still at the counter, staring across the fire where Link sat. He was so close, and yet she never felt so far away from him. As much as she wanted to stop him, there wasn't a point. He was telling her what his plan was, and she knew there wasn't any room for debate.

"If that is what you wish, then I won't stand in your way," she quietly said. "In fact... I plan to return to work soon, now that the winds have calmed. Prima's hands are most likely full with how many people are stranded in the inn. She could use the help."

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