Chapter 66: An Evening Serenade

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**Warning: TotK NPC's Appear in this Chapter**

With a thud, a red-skinned, pig-like body fell to the ground. It landed in the grass, lifeless and bleeding from a deep gash in its chest, staining the soft green blades with its purple blood. Nearby, another body fell, this time with an arrow in its head and causing far more commotion as it banged against the wooden beams of the fort that kept their base high in a large tree's branches. Finally, it hit the ground, but only mere seconds before another one followed, having burned to death by a rumbling explosion that had occurred above. Eventually, the overgrown grass was littered with bodies, with only two living ones remaining on top of the fortress's platforms.

The naked Hylian, worn sword in hand, and the last hog-beast, sniffling and snorting with a wooden club drawn, faced off on the uppermost, crudely-built platform of the tree. With a fierce, unyielding gaze, Link stared the beast down. Angered, the bokoblin squealed, trying to provoke a reaction out of him to no avail. This one was smarter and stronger than the rest. The Hylian quickly glanced down at his sword before meeting the pig's red eyes again, taking note of the cracks forming in the blade of his battle-weakened traveler's sword. Holding his breath, he allowed time to slow in order to look behind him, where three large, red painted barrels were stacked behind him. Plan in mind, he faced the bokoblin again as time resumed normally, readying his sword with a challenge in his eyes.

Noticing the look, the bokoblin screeched before leaping toward him with its club raised high. Gripping his sword tightly, Link lunged as well, but instead of allowing their weapons to clash, the Hylian stepped aside, allowing the monster to fly past him. With a quick pivot, he struck the pig in the back, breaking his sword and sending the monster careening toward the red barrels. The moment the bokoblin hit the red-painted wood, it cracked, and with a blinding flash of light, the barrels erupted into a fireball, pitching Link forcefully back from the resulting shockwave.

Link tumbled off the platform, plummeting through the tree branches until landing on a much larger, lower platform, cracking the wood with a heavy thud. His body vibrated upon impact, and he gasped in pain, releasing his pent-up breath. Body heaving, he tried to get up, only to shake his head and lay back down on the splintered wood.

Yeah... That hurts. I'm just... I'm just gonna rest here for a moment, he thought as he laid his head back. As his breathing evened out, he stared up at the mystical ceiling of the realm he was in. It's only floor four, and the camps have already gotten harder. I didn't think I'd see one of their tree fortresses here, and that was the first blue bokoblin I've seen so far. I guess nothing is off the table here, huh?

With a sigh, he lifted his sore body up from the dent in the wood. Carefully, so as not to pick up any splinters, he stood and journeyed down the tree fortress, where he came to a stop in front of the group of bokoblin bodies bleeding out onto the grass. Crouching down, he began digging through each of their pouches and belongings, taking whatever could be used. Occasionally, he would find a nut or an acorn, small morsels he would immediately scarf down due to the absence of food so far.

I already lost the axe and sword, he thought as he chewed, still scavenging through the bodies. These clubs are gonna have to do. I can't be picky with how little I'm finding.

Picking up the clubs and simple bows he found in the monster's clutches, he looked around at the rest of the trees that surrounded him, spotting a few mushrooms growing at some of their bases.

Looks like I'm having mushrooms today, he thought as he placed the clubs and bows on his back. It's better than nuts. I hope you're doing better than me out there, Zelda.

*    *    *    *    *

"Wait, so you really are the princess of Hyrule? That's why the Great Daruk called you 'tiny Princess'?" Yunobo asked in shock.

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