Chapter 46: The Thread of Life

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The doors to the inn burst open as the group filed in, some helping others through while Jules was carried in Teli's arms. The moment everyone had entered, Prima and Dantz closed the doors behind them. After dusting snow off her little legs and fluffy dress, with her pencil in her hand, Purah did a quick head count.

"Wait, I thought we didn't want the town to know," Teli mentioned, still holding Jules's body as Purah counted. "Aren't the gossiping ladies here? And what about the others who took shelter from the storm a few days ago?"

"I sent everyone home before I left," answered Prima, who was helping Zelda stay on her feet, "If the storm was calm enough for those two to come and get drinks, then it was safe for everyone else to head back."

"And all who went has already been accounted for and safely home," Reede said. "Manny and I made sure earlier. It went by far quicker than it would have been thanks to Manny's help."

"W-well, I mean, I guess-" Manny managed out, starting to form a stupid grin, but was quickly interrupted.

"Seems like everyone's here," Purah said as her count came to a finish. "Our time's running low. Prima, we need that thread now, and Teli, get her upstairs and in bed. Zelda-"

She glanced over at the employee as Teli and Prima (who checked to make sure Zelda was alright on her own) hurried off. She squinted her eyes from behind her red-framed glasses as she looked Zelda up and down. She was slightly bent over, her chest rising and falling from her heavy breaths. She was exhausted from the trek to the inn, and even after taking the spicy tonics she had been forced to drink, her hand was holding her injured stomach. There was a good chance she made it only thanks to Prima's help, having used the clerk's shoulder as a crutch, and this hadn't gone unnoticed by the little researcher.

"-are you sure you can handle this?"

"We talked about this already," Zelda panted. "I can, as long as you guide me-"

"I'm referring to your physical state," Purah corrected. "Your body looks as if it's failing you. We can't have you giving out during this. I'll ask again: are you sure you can handle this?"

Zelda furrowed her brow. She glanced around the room, catching everyone's gazes of worry for her in their eyes. Soon, she landed on Celessa, who also wasn't looking too good, but was faring far better than Zelda was. After a pause, she looked down at the hand that rested on her stomach before taking a deep (but painful) breath.

"I can do it."

Purah gave her one last glance over and nodded before pointing her pencil at Manny.

"You. Help Zelda up to the second floor" she commanded.

Manny looked around before pointing his own finger at himself. Before he could question why a little girl was giving him orders, Purah gave a little growl. Opting to continue holding his questions in, he walked over and allowed Zelda to place an arm over his large shoulder and slowly began helping her to the stairs. After watching them for a moment to ensure the large oaf would handle her with care, Purah looked back at the rest of the group.

"I'm assuming you wish to be there for the two of them, yes?" she asked the traveler, who nodded in answer.

"They're my friends," she explained. "I need to be there, and well... I don't exactly live here, so the inn is the only place I can go."

"Hm. Very well then," Purah accepted. "Your injuries weren't as fatal. Will you manage to get up the stairs yourself?"

"Y-yeah, I can," Celessa confirmed.

"Then be on your way. I'll be up in just a moment," Purah replied. With another nod, Celessa followed after Manny and Zelda, leaving just the mayor and farmer in her presence. "Will you two be staying?"

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