Two: Friendzoned

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Day Six-Saturday

I spent most of the day ridesharing and then trying to find the perfect outfit for the lounge. I ended up going with a long-sleeved floral blouse and long denim skirt and some wedged heels. I hoped I wasn't dressed too conservatively.

When I arrived, I realized I was dressed a bit conservative in comparison to the other girls there that wore tight-fitted short dresses that barely covered their crotches.

I sat down at the bar and ordered one of my favorites---tequila sunrise. Even though I hardly ever went out with my best friends, the few times I did, I would always order a tequila sunrise. Something very tame and safe.

"Up next is Twilight Mars," the announcer said.

So, I had arrived right on time.

When they took the stage, I immediately recognized Nick who turned out to be the lead singer and one of the guitarists. When he started singing, it sounded like heaven to my ears. His eyes were dreamy and dark. He had on a black leather jacket with a white tee underneath and dark jeans. His eyes seemed to meet mines and stood there for a long time.

Finally when their performance was over with, the crowd went wild especially the girls in the crowd. Nick made his way to the bar and ordered a zombie.

I went over to him and joked, "A zombie? Are you trying to die?"

He turned to look at me and smiled. "It's not as strong as you think. You want one?"

"I'm cool with my tequila sunrise."

"You do look like a tequila sunrise kind of girl."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're as cute as that drink and I just noticed you have a bit of a southern accent. Where are you from?"

"North Carolina."

"Wow you are fars away from home," he mocked in a country accent. "What made you decide on LA?"

"I don't know. I just always wanted to go to a big city and because I hate the cold and rain, this seemed like the best place to go."

"Well you definitely came to the right place because it certainly hardly ever rains though it can get a little cold in the winter."

"Yeah but at least no snow."

"Yeah you're right about that. Do you want to meet the band?"

"Yeah sure."

"Follow me."

He took me by a corner near the stage where three guys sat in lounge chairs. One had obviously dyed blonde hair which was pretty cool. He had been the other guitarist. He was cute also but not nearly as cute as Nick. The drummer had long dark hair with red streaks and was a bit on the heavier side from the rest of the guys. And the piano player was tall and lanky who looked paler than the rest of them.

"This is Stacks," Nick said, pointing to the drummer. I shook his hand. "Eddie," he pointed to the piano player and I shook his hand next. "And my boy Benji," he pointed to the guitarist with blond hair. I shook his hand and he seemed to keep my hand for a moment longer than the rest of the guys.

"Guys this is Natalie."

"Hey Natalie," they all said in unison.

Suddenly a bartender came up to us. "What'll it be guys?"

"Send a round of Silver Bullets," Nick said. He turned to me. "Are you going to drink with us?"

"Another drink that sounds like death, no thank you."

"Awe well I should have known the little princess wouldn't dare drink anything stronger than tequila sunrise."

"I'm not a little princess."

"Prove it." Nick said getting really close to me. So close that I found myself taking a step back even though I wanted to take a step forward and kiss him. I could see his eyes which were magnificent emerald green. I could get lost in those eyes.

"Okay, but only one shot."

"That's the spirit!" Benji yelled.

Nick just smirked at me.

When the bartender came, I quickly took one of the shots off the tray. The other guys smiled and hollered out, "Yeah!"

They too took their shots and downed it like it was nothing. I put the shot to my lips, cursing myself for what I was about to do because I knew the drink was going to be like drinking liquid death and as it shot down my throat, I felt the burning sensation and wanted to throw it back up but I wasn't about to give them the satisfaction especially not him.

"That'll a girl," Nick said, patting me on the back. "Now have another or are you too scared?"

I took another shot and threw it back. I put up my arms. "Now what?"

"Well there's the Fireball but I don't think your little heart could take it."

"If I've had the silver bullet, surely the fireball is a piece of cake."

"We'll see." Nick said asking the bartender to bring a round of Fireballs.

So in total I had two shots of Silver Bullets and then two shots of Fireballs which had me feeling more than good. I felt like I was on top of the world. I had a few more shots and this time I didn't really know what they were.

"So Nick are you single?" I found myself asking confidently.

"Yep are you?"

"Yeah but hopefully not for long." I found myself saying. 

"Have someone in mind?"

"Mayyyybee." I could feel my drunkenness even more now. I moved closer to him.

Nick suddenly came so close to me that our lips were almost touching. "It's too bad you're not my type."

And then he moved away and went to chat up another girl. A girl that looked like a runway model for Victoria's Secret. That seemed to crush every ounce of fiber in my being.

"What does he mean I'm not his type?" I said loudly and drunkenly.

Benji came over to me and retorted, "Don't take it too personally but you just don't have that je ne sais quoi that usually attracts him to women which is a good thing. You don't want to get involved with Nick."

"Why not?"

"Because it never lasts long."

"Maybe I could be different."

"Says every girl in the world."

"I really think I could be the one if he just gave me a damn chance."

"He did and you failed. He was putting you up to the test during our little drinking sess."

"But I drunk everything."

"That's my point, you tried too hard to prove yourself. He doesn't like that. And you're not exactly dressed the part to entice him."

"I don't need to dress like that," I said pointing to the girl he was talking up, "to be attractive."

"Ah yes you do if you want a guy like Nick but it's not just how you dress, its an attitude, a whole personality you would have to change if you want him which I would highly not suggest. You seem fine the way you are."

"But I want him." I said in a begging tone. I knew I sounded desperate and I hated myself for it.

"Look, I don't usually do this kind of thing but if you really want Nick then I'll help you get him."

"And what do you want in return?"

"Nothing. Just give me your phone and here's mine."

"What am I going to do with your phone and what are you going to do with mines?"

"Put your number in my phone and I will do the same." He entered his number into my phone and I entered mines. When we exchanged our phones back he asked, "So what will we call this little thing we will have going?"

"Operation get Nick."

"Operation get Nick it is."

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