Six: Change of Plans

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Chapter Six: Change of Plans

So I waited and waited and waited to see what the next phase would be. It had been about a week since I last spoke to Benji. Out of nowhere I got a text from Nick.

Nick: Hey did you still want me to show you around?

Me: Ah...yeah!

Nick: Would Benji mind?

Me: Well it's not like we're going on a date

Nick: Right well how about Saturday morning at 11? We can meet at the Pier.

Me: Santa Monica?

Nick: The very one.

Me: Okay see you then.

I couldn't believe I was going out with Nick even though I knew it wasn't an outing outing, it was something.

Then Benji texted me.

Benji: So you're going out with Nick?

Me: Yeah he's going to show me around.

Benji: Don't.

Me: Why not?

Benji: Because you don't want to seem available.

Me: But I really want to be shown around especially by him.

Benji: Trust me when I say this will work if you do as I say. Now tell him that you already have plans.

Me: But I just said I could go.

Benji: Okay and change it. And tell him they're with me.

I sighed before texting back Nick.

Me: Sorry Nick I just realized I won't be able to go out with you today. I totally forgot I made plans with Benji.

Nick: That's okay.

Me: Rain check?

Nick: Sure.

I texted back Benji.

Me: It's done.

Benji: Good. Now get dressed. I'm going to show you around.

Me: You don't have to do that.

Benji: I want to.

Me: Okay.

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