Ten: Phase Five-The Breakup

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Chapter Ten: Phase Five-The Breakup

Benji: Come to the Blue Velvet

Me: Why?

Benji: It's showtime

I came to the Blue Velvet in a mini dress because I knew Nick would be there and right I was. He was by himself. I went up to him and said, "Hey how's it going?"

"It's going."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't seem to come up with a new song. I'm stuck."

"Maybe Benji could help."

"You and Benji have gotten really close. Are you guys like together now?"

Before I could answer, Benji came up to us.

"Hey guys."

"Hey," Nick said as if disappointed. He took a swig of his drink.

"Can I talk to you for a sec, Nat?" Benji asked me.

We moved over a bit but it was still close enough so that Nick could hear us.

"I got your text and I don't understand. I thought what we had was going great."

I played along with whatever Benji was doing.

"It was but I don't know. I just need space." I told him.

"Fine, I understand." He looked down sadly.


"Yeah I'm not one to hold down on to something if its not what the other person wants. But if you ever change your mind, I'll be waiting."

"I'm glad you understand and I'll keep that in mind."

Benji walked out of the Blue Velvet.

I went back over to Nick who suddenly looked cheery. "So, do you have plans this afternoon?"

"No not really."

"Come on, there's somewhere I want to take you."

He ended up taking me to Runyon Canyon Park. I wasn't going to tell him that Benji had already taken me here unless he asked.

"It's beautiful."

"I know right. I come here sometimes just to think and write."

I wanted to say you and Benji both but again I didn't want him to know that I'd already been with him.

"That's so cool."

"I reckon Benji has already taken you here. I know he likes to go here too to write."

"Yeah, he actually did," I said truthfully.

"How are you guys? I couldn't help but overhear the conversation earlier and it sounds like you're not doing so hot."

"Yeah I kind of wanted to give it a breather."

"Why if you don't mind me asking?"

"I just got to LA and I'm not looking for anything serious right now." I said, thinking this would be something he would vibe with.

"I definitely feel you on that. I'm not either." And I was correct.

"I like Benji a lot but I think he wanted to move a bit too fast."

"Yeah Benji isn't the hit it and quit it type of guy. He's very into the whole serious relationship thing."

I wanted to say we never did anything but I didn't want him to think I was square so I just asked, "And you are the hit it and quit it type?"

"No, I just like to have a good time. Be in the moment you know?"

"Yes I do. That's how I feel at the moment. I just want to take in things as they are. Not rush into anything."

"You so get me...You know I misjudged you. I should have gotten to know you better before saying you weren't my type."

"Yeah you kind of dropped the ball on that one."

"Well I hope Benji doesn't mind but I would like to take you out," he said moving closer to me.

"Like a date?" I asked.

He moved even closer, so close that we were nearly touching noses. "Yeah like a date."

"I mean I'm cool with it but we would of course have to see if Benji wouldn't mind but I'm sure he wouldn't."

He laughed. "If I was him, I certainly would."

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