Five: Phase Three: Fake Dating Benji

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Chapter Five: Phase Three: Fake Dating Benji

Benji: Double date?

Me: What?

Benji: Nick wants me to bring a girl to our favorite restaurant. Thought I'd bring you to make him jealous.

Me: Sounds like a plan!

I couldn't lie to say Benji didn't look good when I saw him arrive at my apartment building. He opened the door for me.

"You don't have to do that."

"Just getting into character. Plus, I would have done this anyways. I'm a gentleman."

"You look nice."

"And you look stunning. Nick is really going to lose his shit when he sees you."

I was wearing a black neck halter bodycon dress with nude heels. It hugged every curve of my body and I had to say it was so unlike me to dress like this. The conservative part of me wanted to curl up in a ball and hide, but the me that wanted to impress Nick was standing proud.

When we got in the car, Nick turned on his Bluetooth. A Big Black Delta song came on. It was Huggin' and Kissin'.

"I love this song."

"Yeah me too. We actually took inspiration from this band to form ours."

"That's so cool. How long have you been in a band?"

"Not long. Since 2016."

"That's so dope."

"So I have only one rule with this thing we're doing." He started.

"What's that?"

"No kissing."

"I didn't think we would have to kiss to get him jealous."

"We don't and we won't. I just feel that is going way too far."

"Yeah, I feel the same way."

When we got there, Nick and his Victoria's Secret girl were already seated. When he saw us, his eyebrow went up.

"Hey guys, didn't know Natalie was the girl you were talking about bringing."

"Yeah well we connected at the lounge and I thought to ask her if she might want to come."

"Hey Nick and..." I said reluctantly taking out my hand to shake Nick's girl.

"Jessica." She said taking my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jessica." I lied.

She had on a crotchet backless halter top that really showed her double Ds off. I wanted to roll my eyes. I may not of had much but I was proud of what I did have. But I wasn't going to lie to say she didn't take a hit out on my self-esteem for a minute there.

"So two together?" Nick asked.

"We're just seeing where it goes." I answered quickly.

"Yeah nothing serious...yet," Benji chimed in. "What about you guys?"

"Same here. We're just seeing where it goes." Nick looked at me and gave me the oddest expression. Almost as if he were flirting with me by copying my words verbatim.

Suddenly the server came up to us. "Hi my name is Crystal and I'll be your server tonight. What will you guys be having to drink?"

"I'll have a mojito," Jessica said which seemed exactly like the type of drink she would order.

"I'll have an old-fashion," Nick said.

"I'll have an old-fashion too," Benji quickly replied.

"And you?" the server pointed towards me with her pen.

"I'll have a mojito as well." Even though I wanted to just order water.

Benji grinned approvingly.

"And are you ready to order?" Crystal asked us.

Nick looked at us and then back to Crystal. "Give us a moment please."

"Sure, I'll be right back with your drinks."

"Didn't think you were a mojito kind of girl." Nick said to me.

"Didn't think you were an old fashion kind of guy." I said back.

"What can I say...Mad Men inspired me."

"Oh I love Mad Men. Jon Hamm is such a dreamboat," Jessica said with a giggle.

"Yes he definitely is," I replied back, mentally rolling my eyes at her.

"So what do you want to eat?"

"I'll just have an avocado salad," Jessica declared, scrunching up her nose at the menu.

Nick and Benji looked towards me. No way was I getting just a salad. I looked at the menu and decided on the vegan lobster since I was paying for it. "I think I'm going to have the vegan lobster."

"The most expensive thing on the menu. Nice taste." Nick said sarcastically. 

"Well I'm paying for it so why not?"

"I'll pay for it." Benji spoke.

"No that was the point of me picking it Benji. I couldn't have you spend that much on me."

"Its no problem. Really I want to."

"No I couldn't allow you to."

"I insist," Benji said through grunted teeth.

I realized that it wasn't date like for me to pay for my own meal so I said, "Okay, fine. Thank you."

I noted after this I would pay him back.

Nick said, "I'll just have the steak, what about you bro?"

"I think I'll have the same as Nat."

"You're vegan?" I asked Benji.

"Yeah I've been trying it for a while now."

The server came back, gave us our drinks and took our orders.

"So how was the party?"

"It was lit," Jessica said which made me hate her even more. Was that even still a thing to say?

"Yeah it was definitely something to remember." Nick agreed. "You guys should have been there."

"We'll catch the next one. We kind of had fun where we were just talking and whatnot," Benji retorted.

"Yeah I had an amazing time with Benji." I bumped his elbow.

"Awe you two are so cute. Just like me and my Nicky." She grabbed his cheek which he seemed to not like but she wasn't taking the hint.

The server thankfully came back with our orders.

"That was fast." Nick observed.

"Yeah, definitely but I'm not complaining." Benji agreed.

After our double date, while driving home, Benji said, "He's jealous."

"How do you know?"

"It's a guy thing but I can tell when he copied your words verbatim, mocking you. He was flirting with you. He only does that to girls he's into."

"So what's the next phase?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

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