Chapter 2

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First Year


A letter flies into the window. You know it's for you and Sirius.

Your mother grabs the letters from the owl.

Regulus quietly grabs some water and treats for it. The owl hoots appreciatively.

"Letter for you two." Your mother hands you a letter and drops one in front of Sirius. "Hogwarts letters, no doubt."

You open the letter.

Indeed, it is what your mother thought it to be.

"I've been accepted into the school." You say, keeping your voice calm and holding down the excitement.

"Very good, I do hope you'll do better than... others." She spares a glance in Sirius's direction. And you notice how he tenses, barely noticeable. "We will go to Diagon Alley in a few days, understood?"

And you did.

And in the moment, in your excitement, Regulus Black slipped from your mind.


You had been told how long the train ride is, but this had not been what you expected.

It was terrible. And boring. You had taken the time to begin to read books for the school year.

You sit in a compartment alone, perhaps to most it would be lonely but to you it was a bit calming.

You missed Regulus, you dearest brother. Sirius as well, but over the summer you had grown used to missing your older brother.

You planned to write to Regulus as soon as you got to Hogwarts, write to him unlike Sirius had done for you or him.

The compartment door opens as your turn to the second chapter of charms spells. You'd start with the first chapter of each and then continue in the one you like most.

"Y/n?" And there he is. Your brother.

You quickly look up, trying your best to hide your excitement to finally be able to talk to him again.

"Sirius." You say, forcing your voice to be calm.

You can see a boy his age poke up behind him. He has glasses. He's... your heart beats a bit faster.

"Oh, come on! We're not at home anymore!" Sirius says, he walks into the compartment.

And you let go of what you had been trying to hold back and throw your arms around your older brother, now just holding back tears. Your grip is tight and he quickly hugs you back, just as tightly.

"This is your little sister?" Asks a voice and you pull away from your brother to see the boy again. He had walked into the compartment.

"Yeah." Sirius says, he sits down, across from where you were sitting.

"Nice to meet you, I'm James Potter." He holds out his hand for you to shake.

You stare at his hand for a moment before looking back up at him. "Y/n Black." You reply.

"Awe, move out of the way man!" Another boy pushes his way pass, James falls into the seat next to where you had been sitting. The next boy is blonde. "I'm Peter Pettigrew!"

"And that one is Remus Lupin." Sirius points to a final boy. This one stands in the doorway, looking uncomfortable and shy. He offers a small wave. You wave back.

"You can come in, you know." You say as he hasn't moved from the doorway. He pauses but slowly shuffled into the room, sliding the door behind him, and sinks into the seat next to Sirius's.

You take notice to how Sirius blushes as he does so.

You silently take your seat, next to James. Peter sits next to Remus.

"These are your friends?" You confirm with Sirius.

He nods, a grin on his face. "They're wonderful too!"

"We truly are." James agrees.

Peter laughs, but it almost sounds like a giggle.

Remus fidgets with his sleeves, but you can see the quirk of his lips.

The train ride didn't feel as long after that.


You have decided on potions as your favorite subject. Charms is a close second, though.

You read three chapters in potions, unfortunately not able to read too much due to the four boys in the compartment with you. You didn't complain, though. They are wonderful company.

The arrival to Hogwarts finally came and you walked out of the train with your brothers friends.


You sit down on the stool, staring at everyone in the crowd. The hat is placed onto your head.

'Ah a Black. I see... blood born to be Slytherin, but perhaps that doesn't fit.'

Doesn't fit? You ask.


Your heart beats faster. Not Slytherin? Your parents...

'If you wish to be put in Slytherin you may, but it won't help you thrive like a different house could.'

Well... which house were you thinking. Merlin you hoped it wasn't Gryffindor.

'It is not. Perhaps... Ravenclaw.'

Ravenclaw? Your mother was more fond of them. Gryffindor being her least favorite and Hufflepuff soon after. Ravenclaw was her third least favorite. Perhaps a good sign? Perhaps she wouldn't be as mad.

You look around the room at each table.

Gryffindor. Where your brother sits, grinning widely at you. He gives you a thumbs up.

Hufflepuff. Where they all seem happy. They're all staring at you as well.

Ravenclaw. Where the sorting hat may put you, saying you'd do well there.

Slytherin. Where your parents want you. Where everyone expects you to go. Expects. You suddenly don't want to go to Slytherin anymore, no longer wanting to meet expectation. You study the table for a moment longer, eyes locking with a boy that looks Sirius's age. He stares back, tilting his head.

You look away.

Okay. Ravenclaw it is.



The year passes smoothly. You excel in potions, but doing well in your other classes as well.

Slughorn speaks to you about going up a potions class, taking a test and skipping a year so you'd be doing year three potions next year instead of year two. You agree. You passed the test.

You had no friends in Ravenclaw. And after the train ride you no longer talked to the four boys.

And soon you had to go home.

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