Chapter 22

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"We'll be friends forever, right?" Peter asks suddenly, "like- like no matter what."

"Yah." James agrees without hesitation.

"Why do you ask, Pete?" You question.

"I just... get worried sometimes." He replies, his voice quieter than usual.

"Awe of course we'll be friends forever." Sirius dramatically kisses his cheek, "you're all gonna be my best men at mine and Remus's wedding!"

Remus blushes.

"I'll be a best man?" You ask.

"Yep." Sirius says, "duh. What else would you be. Not like there will be any bridesmaids."

Peter giggles.

"Friends forever, then." James says.

"Friends forever." The rest of you mutter in variation.

And perhaps you wouldn't have made that promise if you knew how everything ended.


"Are we dating?" You ask him finally.

Tom seems surprised, "Pardon?"

"You and I. Are we dating?"

"Would you like to be?"

"Would you like to be?"

He frowns. "Perhaps."

"Then that is my answer as well."

"Yes or no."

"Yes or no to you!"

"I have asked you first."

"Yes, then." You tell him, finally.

"It is settled." He says.

"So we are dating?" You ask, a confirmation.



"Awe Lily I'll miss you." You tell her, "I wish we could see each other over the summer... but, well you know."

"I do." She says. "I'll miss you too. You better write me!"

"Of course! Same goes to you."

She grins, "of course."


"I suppose this is goodbye." Remus says.

"Just for now." Sirius corrects him. "I'll see you all after summer! Well, minus you James."

James is letting Sirius stay with him since he's been disowned.

"Hey, remember if any of you guys need a place to go you can come to my place." James says, "no warning needed, just show up if you need to."

"Can I show up just for fun?" Peter asks.

"Well, yes. That too."

"I love you guys." Sirius says.

You roll your eyes. "You're acting like we'll never see each other again."

"I just have a bad feeling." He says.

James quickly jumps in. "Well we will see each other again."

"We will." Remus agrees.


In the middle of summer you write James Potter a final letter.

Dear James,

I apologize for such a delayed response. Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to keep contact with you.

- y/n l/n

That was it.

Your parents had found a letter from him, made you write this letter and watched you send it, and then took away your owl until the next year.

It was different without Sirius. Your parents were somehow less and more cruel at the same time.

Regulus and you had become a bit closer over the summer, secretly hanging out in silence, writing each other notes, etc.

Somehow your parents didn't catch that bit.

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