Chapter 18

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People stopped talking about the murder.

It's only 3 days later.

Perhaps she wasn't important enough.

How disgusting is that?


His presence feels different now, knowing what you know.

And you suspect you don't even know everything.

Tom Riddle, that is.

The glee in his eyes as the girls murder was announced still flashes in your eyes at times.

You weren't exactly bothered by it, but more curious.

And perhaps it isn't good that you're mostly unbothered by his possibly psychotic tendencies, however it's not exactly like you can simply change your mind.

You're not uncomfortable as you sit next to him in potions class, neither do you act any different than you had previously.

Well, perhaps slightly different.

In the middle of class his hands hadn't been on the table and you had 'accidentally' brushed it with your own.

He had not reacted so you had taken it a step further and had took his hand with yours and silently held hands with him.

This had caught his attention, looking at you curiously, but not pulling away or saying anything against it.

And you had held hands with him under the desks at potions class for the rest of the time you were there.

At some point he had let go to take notes, but when he was done he slipped his hand back under the desk, close to yours, and you understood and had taken it again.

Perhaps he did not like to make the first move very much. You did not fully mind, not caring about who would make the first move as long as the end result is the same.

Exactly 5 minutes before the class ended, McGonagall walked into the room.

It had previously been a room filled with silence and light chatter, and now pure silence; curious as to what is happening.

She quickly makes her way to Slughorn and quietly tells him something.

You're unable to hear, even when sitting in the front.

You wonder if Remus can. As he is a werewolf, perhaps his hearing is enhanced.

Slughorn stands up, "alright class, you may go!"

"And the rest of your classes today are canceled." McGonagall adds, "so do not go to them."

Students seem excited about this, you do not particularly care. Yes, it's wonderful that classes are done for the day, however; what has caused it?

You turn to Riddle, "would you join me in the library?"

"Of course." He agrees.


The back of the library is always less crowded.

You sit down at a lone table in a far back corner, Tom sits across from you.

"I'd like to read your book." You confess, "the one you told me about." You don't dare to say the name, nor do you dare to even mention what it is about; not wanting to risk it.

A flicker of... perhaps a smirk? His eyes gleam and it disappears as quickly as it comes.

"Would you?" He questions.

"That is what I said." You persist.

He nods, "you'd have to be discreet about it, you understand that?"

"Of course. And you understand there are spells to hide what a book truly is. Do you have it already? Or shall we need to retrieve it?"

"Is there?" He asks, "I have not heard of such a spell, how... illegal. How did you find out about this?"

And perhaps it's a stupid mistake you make.

However, perhaps it's the best one you ever could. You're not completely sure.

"There's a book." You say, and you look around to make sure no one is near... and you lower your voice to be safe anyway. "It's a Ravenclaw one. Filled with spells and potions and curses and more... all made from Ravenclaws. And only we know about it... and I suppose you do now as well. I am not meant to tell you, so you must keep it a secret."

"Of course." He agrees. "I shall make you an offer; I'd like to see this book. Show me it, make a copy if you must; and I shall give you the book."

You tilt your head, curious. "I cannot."

"You cannot?" He frowns.

"No. Perhaps I could inform you of some specific spells or potions or other things, however I cannot give you the book. It has secrets even I don't think we Ravenclaws should know. Allow me to make you a new deal."

His eyes narrow, "I'm listening."

"You give me the book, I'll give you one of the biggest secrets Hogwarts has to offer."

And a glint of gleam again, "I shall take that deal."


"What is the secret, then?"

"Ah. I think it would be better to show you. Meet me on the seventh floor tonight, yes? And bring your book."



In the morning.

"Where are we going?" Tom asks quietly.

"Trust me." You reply.

"I trust no one."

"How healthy." You mutter, sarcastically.

He scoffs.

You stop walking in front of a blank wall.

"What a secret." He replies, "I've walked past this wall dozens of times."

"And yet you've never taken a closer look."

He frowns, "what does that mean?"

You don't answer him, "pace in front of the door." You say, "three times. And think of something you'd desire here. Something that could help you. A library with every book you could imagine, or a simple room of relaxation."

"Must it be a type of room?" He asks.


He does respond, but begins to pace in front of the wall.

And a dim glow appears, he abruptly stops.

The wall opens to reveal a door.

"Go inside." You say.

He does. You follow him.

It would seem he was thinking of a suggestion of yours; a library. You're unsure if it has the secrets of the dark arts like you had said.

There is also a table with several chairs around it; like a meeting table, perhaps.

He sucks in a breath, "explain."

"The Room of Requirement." You say. "A room that gives you whatever you might need. You wish for a private bedroom? You have one. You wish for the grandest library know to mankind? You have it. You simply think of it and you shall have it. One of Hogwarts's biggest secrets, not many know of it. Some Ravenclaws do, it's about 1/3 into the book. Not many read that far, however I did."

"How wonderful." He says. "And helpful." He pulls out a book, it's worn down, but alluring. He hands it to you, "the book."

And you take it.

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