Chapter 28

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In the midst of summer you receive a letter. You had been staying with Peter, but all of you had decided to meet up at the Potter household.

Sitting outside for lunch; an owl lands on you.

You don't recognize it but you take its letter. Peter takes the owl from you and begins to stroke it; he quite likes owls. You find it weird since he's a rat, but they are quite cute.

You lay back onto the grass as you open the letter; the handwriting is easily recognizable. It's a letter from Tom.

You debate reading it, deciding to not. You crush the letter and shove it into your pocket.

"Who's it from?" James asks.

"Just a Hogwarts letter." You reply. A lie.

"So early?" James asks.

"Yes, I suppose they are coming early this year."

Regulus frowns, "well why didn't I receive one then?"

"Maybe they decided they don't want you back." Sirius jokes.

"Oh shut up!" Regulus complains, pushing your older brother to the grass.

Sirius laughs.


You begin to change; tomorrow was your last day with the Potters. As you remove your trousers you feel that earlier note in your pocket.

You pull it out.

And then you open it.

Dear Y/n,

His handwriting is as perfect as ever.

I've been taking the time to think-

The letter goes on. An apology. And a request.

At the end of the letter he asks you to meet him.


The Leaky Cauldron is dark; nothing new. It is Saturday.

You sit at a table, quietly waiting.

"I'm surprised you came." Tom's smooth voice passes you as he sits next to you.

"What do you want?" You ask.

He hums, "so direct. Can't we have a drink first?"

"Neither of us are old enough to drink, Tom."

"I meant something like Butterbeer, not alcohol, darling."

"I'd like to get to the point, Tom. I read your full letter. You apologized. I accept it. However, I will not continue any form of affair with you."

"And if I tell you I have stopped my..." he pauses.

"Murderous tendencies?" You ask.

He offers a smile. "Yes, those."

"I would want proof."

"And what would proof be?"

You hesitate. "I don't know."

"And if I asked you to trust me?"

"I would hesitate."

"But would you?"


"And if I proposed an offer?"

You can't help a small smile. "It matters the offer."

"You have one year left at Hogwarts."

"I do."

"And afterwards we can go somewhere."


"I'm not sure yet."

"And if I proposed a different offer?"

"Which is?"

"We stay here." You say.

"So you're saying yes to a we?"


"Then allow us to figure it out in a year."

"In a year." You agree.


After Hogwarts

Sirius and Remus's wedding is wonderful. Sirius had proposed, Remus had said yes.

Peter is Remus's best man and James is Sirius's.

Sirius had asked you to be a flower girl, sahing Regulus said no.

You had thrown a rose, covered in thorns, at him in response.

The wedding is wonderful and surprisingly enough Tom had come with you. By surprising you mean it's surprising Sirius agreed.


Tom became a professor at Hogwarts, you turned to work at the ministry.

You didn't see him as much as you'd like because of this, but you both managed to find each other as much as possible.

During the middle of a school year you find out something quite interesting.

You're pregnant.

Immediately you write Tom a letter and immediately he writes back saying he's on his way. You're naturally confused, seeing as it is the middle of the school year and yet he shows up days later.


The future turns out quite well.

Remus and Sirius stay married and they adopt a daughter.

James, Regulus, Lily, and Mary all agree for James and Lily to have a kid. They didn't have sex, but there are other ways.

Lily and Mary got together by the way.

They all raised him, Harry, together.

Peter married a girl a year older than him. She's very beautiful and very sweet. They're quite perfect together, actually. They've had a son and have another on the way.

And for you and Tom?

You become the first female minister of magic and Tom headmaster of Hogwarts; succeeding Albus Dumbledore.

You had three children; two girls and a boy.

*insert whatever names you'd like*



Which story shall I work on next?






Someone else, who?

(I won't write for Sirius. He's my brother in my DR so I like mentally cant hahaha)

I'm gonna make a book of one shots so if you have any suggestions...

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