Chapter 25

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T.w. Mentions of drinking alcohol

"Y/n! My dear, I'm glad you could make it with how busy you've been this year." Slughorn quickly pulls you in for a hug. You stiffen, but allow it.

"Yes. I have been quite busy, apologizes for missing your other... events."

You glance around the room; Lily is there, she waves. You look away.

Tom Riddle is there as well, he stares at you, silent, unmoving. You look away from him as well.

"Well I'm happy you've come to this one! Hopefully you can come to some more this year, eh?"

"Hopefully." You agree quietly; likely an empty promise.

"Well do have a good time!" And he scurries away; towards some other person to talk to.


You've been doing mostly nothing for about an hour right now; besides making terribly boring small talk with strangers. The first third of your evening.

You've found your way to the snack table and take a small glass of punch. You reach into your pocket to pull out the fire whisky you had brought with you, pouring a little bit in. If you were to stay here for the rest of the night you'd at least need to be tipsy.

"Miss Black." A voice says before you can drink it.

You turn around to see a random guy; a pin on his shirt reveals that he is a Hufflepuff.

An awkward blush is on his face.

"Hello, there."

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asks, his hands are nervously fidgeting.

You hesitate, a small, unnoticeable glance to Riddle. He is not looking at you, but talking instead to Bellatrix, your cousin. You have no clue how she got into this party. She is not in any sort of genius unless you count all the ways to torture someone she's studied.

Perhaps she snuck in, or perhaps she came with Riddle. You make yourself pay no mind to them as you turn back to the Hufflepuff.

"I would love to."

And a smile crosses his face and he holds out his hand; suddenly more confident.

You take his hand and he leads you to the dance floor.

He's not the best dancer, but respectful and sweet. He's nice to talk to as well, you both chat as you dance.

He easily puts a smile to your face and makes you laugh.

The song eventually ends.

"Perhaps another dance?" You offer this time.

An adorable smile crosses his face, even wider than the rest of the ones before and he agrees.

The second third of your evening is spent with him. An hour.

"Y/n." Lily walks up to you as you talk to the Hufflepuff boy, who's name you had learned is Michael.

"Evans." You offer a cooler greeting.

"Can we talk?"

Hesitation on your part.

You glance around; Regulus is not here.

"Yes." You agree finally. You turn to Michael, "I'll be back."

He nods, gives a smile, and then walks towards the snack table. You see him quickly grab the last miniature cupcake.

You turn to Lily.

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