Chapter 24

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A/n: from current votes the ending is looking like itll be A, but for the angst wanters; don't worry. I was planning to give plenty of year 6 angst

Also I had a panic attack on the highway today cause it was my first time going on it HAHAHSHS MERGING IS NOT FUN GUYS


Walking down the hallways feels lonely nowadays without your friends.

You zone out slightly, allowing your mind to drift back to the Marauders; Remus, Sirius, Peter, and James.

And in your distraction you run into someone.

You quickly look up to apologize, but freeze.


He stares at you for a moment before walking away.

Cool. At least I know the status of our relationship now, I guess.


The astronomy tower quickly became your favorite place.

Complete solitude.



The entirety of the Great Hall turns to the Gryffindor table where Sirius Black looks at James Potter; fuming.

"I did not say that! I said I was dating your brother."

"Which means you're probably having sex! Why the hell would you do this."

"Language, Mr Black." McGonagall scolds, not interrupting the situation itself; likely curious as to what will happen.

You're sure everyone is.

"I'm not- we're not! That's not the point! Why are you so upset!"

"Why am I- WHY AM I UPSET?" And then he turns to you, "y/n, you're upset right? This is our little brother you've got to be upset."

And you sigh, wanting no part in their drama. You simply stand and leave the hall.


James hits his head against the bookshelf behind you. "He won't talk to me."

"All because you're dating Regulus?"

"Yeah. Can you talk to him? Try to calm him down..."

"Maybe, I wish he hadn't made such a public display of your relationship with Regulus. I get he was upset but he definitely just put Regulus in some form of danger."

"Danger? I know Slytherins are psycho but-"

"But it's two men in a relationship and it's with a Gryffindor. Besides, the group he's in isn't friendly to such ideas."

"The group- you mean Riddle's group?"


"What- what're they like."

"Horrible. Very anti muggleborns. Very anti homosexuality. Very anti anything but Tom Riddle himself; the true dark lord!"

"Dark Lord?" James snorts, "is that seriously what he calls himself?"

"Yeah. And he calls his group the Knights of Walpurgis."

"It's actually the Death Eaters now." A new voice joins your conversation.

"Regulus." You say. "He changed the name?"

"Yes. I'm not sure why, but it was sudden. The end of last year he decided to name us that instead, hasn't changed it yet."

"I wonder." You say. The name you had suggested to him; he had used it. How curious. Especially since he hasn't changed it.

But perhaps he could just have not yet gotten to it.

"Are you alright, by the way." You ask your brother, "I know Slytherins might be harsh."

"Yeah... I um, I kinda left the group. These two guys, though; Evan and Barty, they're hanging out with me. Said they'd "protect me from all the evil". They're weird. I like it."

You smile, "that's good. I hope the others leave you alone. And tell me if they do not. I know a jinx or two." And dark magic you add to yourself, I can literally curse them in so many different ways.

"Same here!" James says, "but I'd prefer to throw a punch to their face."

Regulus rolls his eyes. "You're both dramatic. I don't know why I'm still associating with you."

"Because you love us, darling brother!"

"But me a bit more." James adds.

"I'm his sister. He loves me more."

"I'm his boyfriend. Who's really winning here."

"I'm his boyfriend." You mock.

"Oi! Shut up!"

"No wonder Lily kept rejecting you; you're terribly annoying."

"Rejecti- she was not rejecting me!"

"Really? I think she said yes to you that one time out of pity. She moved on real quick; and you thought she'd be so sad too! But nope! She started dating someone else right after."

"That is just her recovering from the heartbreak."

"It's not, actually. You're just delusional."

"I am not delusional."

"Sometimes you are." Regulus cuts in.

"You're betraying me?!"

"You're also dramatic." You add.

"Extremely." Regulus agrees.

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