Chapter 23

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Sitting on the Hogwarts express was different this year.

Over summer you had not written to Tom Riddle once, you had tried and had gotten no response.

Over summer you had stopped talking to every single one of your friends.

You quickly slip onto the Hogwarts express and find an empty compartment. Regulus follows behind you.

You sit down on a seat.

"I have to go... Riddle- he'll-"

"I get it, Reggie."

He cringes and you offer him a small grin, he hesitates, but returns it.

"Bye n/n."


For the first 3 hours of the train ride you sit entirely alone. It's odd, very different... it's not that nice.

And then the compartment door opens.

"N/n." James says.

"Y/n's in there?" And there's Sirius.

"N/n!" And Peter.

"Hi, Y/n." And finally, Remus.

They all, but Remus, push their way into the compartment.

Remus pauses at the entrance.

You offer him a smile, "you can come in, Remus."

He shuffles through the door and closes it, taking a seat next to Sirius who immediately grabs his hand.

"You ditched us!" Sirius accuses.

"Sorry." Is all you say.

"Did you pass your OWLs?" Remus asks you. An attempt at conversation.

"Yes. O's on all of them."

"Why'd you have to stop writing to me?" James asks.

"My parents."

And silence.

Peter is the first one to question your mood out loud. "Are you okay?"

And you do not answer his question.

Most of the train ride is in silence after that.

You don't know it yet, but that'll be the start to the fall of the Marauders.


Last year was your final year in potions, so you no longer have to take it. Most in your year do, but since you are ahead; you do not.

Tom Riddle does not make any effort to speak to you. You make no effort to either.

You no longer sneak to the Gryffindor table; instead staying at Ravenclaw... sitting in silence.

Your parents had made it clear; you were not allowed to even look at James, Peter, Remus, or Sirius. And for that matter; no other Gryffindor either.

Regulus is meant to inform them if you do. He tell you he will not, but you both know he's too scared of them to lie. You do not blame him for this, you have been too scared to run away; both not wanting to leave your younger brother behind, and not knowing what would happen if you tried. Perhaps your parents would hunt you down.

You are jealous of Sirius and hold anger to him. He got away; the jealousy. He left you; the anger.

Perhaps the anger is mixed with some sadness as well.


You did not speak with many for most of the first 3 months.

The fourth month is where things changed.

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