Chapter 32 - Isabel

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My parents came as soon as I called them, but once the weekend ended Mike and my mothers had to return to their duties.

Today it's Scott's turn to say goodbye, and he's just as unprepared for this as I am.

„Are you sure you will be OK?"

„Yes, dad. The Alpha will be here tomorrow..."

„That's also a bit why I am asking," Scott mutters, still not reaching for the backpack that lies next to his bike.

I hesitated whether to tell my parents the whole story about the insane game Lars and I played in the mirror room. And when I finally did, over a real game of Werewolves vs Humans, the shocked look on their faces almost made me regret it.

Injuring my Alpha following his request didn't seem like a transgression to me. I even managed to convince Willow that this was the case. Looking back at that night, my wolf and I both agreed that our only failure was leaving that witch alive. A failure our leader was probably grateful for, because it allowed us to avoid a huge political mess with the subspecies across the River.

My parents' reaction, together with the fact that Lars's mind was silent for several days, had made me doubt my assessment. I was seriously panicking when he called to let me know that he was fine and that he will come back after his meeting with the Council.

I have been replaying our conversation in my head for the last hours, but there was nothing in his tone or his words that announced any kind of doom.

"I acted on orders," I try to reassure my dad and myself. But, because I am exhausted by my fruitless search for potential consequences, I add:  "And either way, it cannot be worse than what I have experienced before..."

Scott bites down hard on his lip piercing.

The four of them have told me about their efforts to get me back. Selma and Mike tried to convince Finn to intervene, but he claimed his hands were tied by Peter and Arnie's testimony that I had marked Owen back willingly. Scott and Astrid then attempted several times to breach the southern borders on their own. They only stopped when Finn, frustrated by the lack of efficacy of the various punishments he had dealt them, threatened to execute them both.

"Come home, Isa. We'll protect you this time. I won't fail you again," Scott whispers. He is trying really hard to use my diminutive name, as I asked him to, and it means the world to me.

Sadly for him, so do the words of my wolf. She is claiming that our home is here in the South and that we don't need to be protected from our true mate.

"You didn't fail me, dad. The Wolves' Way did and it will do the same to any female who has the misfortune of being in the path of a power-hungry Alpha heir." My hands clench into useless fists because one cannot get retribution against the law of laws. "I'll come to visit you as planned, right after the New Year, though," I add before Scott has a chance to scold me about my blasphemy.

"We'll be happy to welcome you back home, Luna," my father bows, adding with a slight smirk: "Though maybe you come as my pup and I can show you who is the King of Werewolves."

I accept his challenge and, after watching him drive away, I head up to my rooms, to catch some hours of sleep. My alarm is set early because I need to check that everything is in order around the house before Lars arrives. Also, since he is not here to remind me how I am not supposed to spend time on kitchen duties, I plan to cook his favorite meal for lunch. And bake the lemon curd-filled cupcakes he likes.


Going down the stairs in a house that is still dark, I notice that the hallway already smells like vanilla and butter. The realization that one of the omega ladies - or Eino - has already entered my space, is frustrating.

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