Jackson Gibbs

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I googled the US Marine ranking system (my family was mainly air force or Navy, I do not know Marine ranking well) so if it is wrong, please let me know so I can fix it!! I do not want to misrepresent our United States Marine Corps members.

let me know what you think.

Chapter Text

"Hello sir, are you Jackson Gibbs?" Harry said, not giving up his hold on Kelly yet.

"I am, who are you and what happened to Kelly?" The man said, reaching out to take Kelly from Harry. Harry flinched back and automatically went to protect the little girl in his arms.

"Can I see some ID?" Harry said, not ready to just believe him without Kelly to verify. Jackson got out his license to show Harry. "Okay, my name is Harry Potter sir. Can we go somewhere where you can help her?"

"Let me close up early and we can go to my home. Is she getting heavy? Can I please hold her?" Jackson said. He was extremely worried why a child was carrying his granddaughter, more so why they were both bloody and hurt. He couldn't see a lot yet but he could tell by the bloody rag on Kelly's head and the young boy not wearing a shirt that something was wrong.

Harry held her until Jackson had the shop closed. He handed her over to the older man. He readjusted the backpacks to try and hide his chest the best he could from him, feeling very self conscious without a shirt on. The walk down the road to the house seemed like forever in the awkward silence.

They got into the house where Jackson immediately went to the Livingroom and motioned for Harry to sit. He didn't want to get the couch dirty with his bloody, dirty clothes. He sat on the floor while Jackson put Kelly on the couch.

"Okay you're gonna need to explain everything to me while I take care of her." Jackson said after coming back with a huge first aid kit. He slowly removed the head bandage Harry made to check and clean it.

"I'm sorry it's so dirty. I didn't know what else to do" Harry did when he saw when the older man was doing. "My family is here on vacation from England and we were staying in a motel between Virginia Beach and Washington DC where the hotel is. I was taking a walk when I saw Kelly, her mom and a man get into a car. They did not drive very far when I heard a loud popping sound. I think it was a gun but I've never heard one being fired before."

"It's okay bud, you did a great job working with what you had. What happened then." Jackson said when Harry panicked seeing the dirty bandage.

"I hid in an alley when I heard the loud pop and heard the car crash. I leaned out to see someone running away from the scene and waited until I did not see anyone. I ran over to the woods where the car crashed and went to see if everyone was okay. I saw the driver first." Harry paused there. Looking away for a minute to try and get rid of the lump in his throat. Jackson continued to clean and bandage everything on Kelly. "The driver was leaning over the wheel and had a hole through his head. I went to look at the woman who I now know as Shannon. She was not breathing and twisted as if to look at Kelly. As I was checking her I heard Kelly moving and went to get her out. I noticed she had a broken arm and her head was bleeding a lot. I ripped up my shirt to try and keep her arm still and stop the bleeding on her head." Harry was pointing at the arm as he said it.

Jackson took some time to see what he could do to help as well but was impressed with what the bot had accomplished.

"We grabbed all the backpacks and I grabbed the agent's wallet in case we needed money so we could get away. When we tried to go back to the motel I heard men with a Spanish accent talking about getting rid of witnesses. I panicked and grabbed some of my stuff, put it in the bags and left. We walked for a while until we got to a bus stop. We got a bus to Washington DC. From there I didn't know who to trust so Kelly said we could either go to her dad's military base or to you. I did not think they would let us on the base and did not know where it was. We got on a bus here and walked until I found you but Kelly is tired and sore and she misses her parents." Harry was getting emotional at this point too. He was overwhelmed with everything that happened and with an adult his friend trusts he finally started to let his years out.

Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo FideliusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt