Gringotts and American Ministry

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Hey y'all!! so a lot has been happening lately but I finally finished a chapter. I am so sorry it took so long, I started this a while ago but then my best friend passed from Cancer and I had to travel for her funeral. I started a new full time job last week so I am not sure how often updates will come but I promise I am working on it. I am also teaching myself how to crochet so that has been taking up some of my time, but I have finished a couple blankets so far!!!

Once again, please let me know what you think. Do people still like this story?

Chapter Text

Jethro moved quickly trying to take down the two individuals pointing sticks at them wondering where they came from. There was a tall man in his late twenties to early thirties, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a vest with a strange badge on it, one that Gibbs did not recognize. The other was a woman in possibly her mid-forties who had dark brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. She wore a similar vest over a sweater and dress pants and a strange robe looking garment.

"Woah stop" The woman yelled. She put her hands up and backed away slightly from the three men with guns. Her colleague did the same but not taking his eyes off the weapons. The three men also took a step back watching the adults. "My name is Paula Savona and this is my colleague Aydan Herakles. We work for the Magical Congress of the United States of America on the accidental magic detection squad. We detected accidental magic in this residence so we came to find out what happened and help inform you of what this means." She said, slowly putting her wand away in the forearm holster.

"I do not know where you came from or what you are talking about but you're not doing it here. Please move to the dining room away from the children." Tom said, taking control of the situation the best that he could. Harry was panicking behind them all, worries he exposed magic and that he would lose his new friends because of it. Kelly was hiding behind her Daddy confused by what was happening.

"Okay, that is fine, can we fix the damage that was done with the accidental magic first?" Paula asked. When Tom nodded skeptically she waved her want to take an analysis of what happened so she could fix it. The lights burst so she quickly repaired them and turned them back on. Tom, Jethro and Julius were very surprised and quickly looked around to see if they could see what happened.

"Why don't we go sit down in the dining room while Julius stays in here with the kids" Tom said, trying to usher the adults into the other room.

"Actually it might be best if the kids are present so we can find out what happened." Paula said. She looked at the reluctant group and thought of the best way to calm everyone down. Parents were usually skeptical but she had never had one pull a weapon before. She was raised between the magical and mundane world so she knew what guns were. "Why don't we all sit down and then start introductions" she suggested.

The group moved so that Julius sat on one end of the couch with Harry next to him and Jethro next to Harry. Kelly sat on her Daddy's lap while Tom took the last seat on the couch. The five of them faced the two magicals who sat on the chairs opposite them. Jethro was closely observing the two who just appeared in the house.

"My name is Paula Savona and this is my colleague Aydan Herakles. We work in the Department of Accidental Magic and Underage Magic Regulation for the Magical Congress of the United States of America on the accidental magic detection squad. We detected a flair of accidental magic in this residence and responded as usual. Now what are your names?"

"My name is Thomas Morrow and I am the Director of the Naval Investigative Services. I am the owner of this house. I have been read in, somewhat, on your organization but not much." Tom said.

"My name is Jethro Gibbs and I am a Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. This is my daughter Kelly." Jethro said. He was holding Kelly on his lap but in a way he could still move fast to protect her as needed.

"My name is Sergeant Major Julius Lachlan and I am a United States Marine." Julius said as he put his arms around Harry sitting next to him. Harry moved closer to his side. He was nervous to give them his name in case he was famous here as well.

"My name is Harry Potter." Harry said while staring at his lap. He missed the quick look traded between Paula and Aydan, but Tom and Jethro did not.

"Ah that complicates this a little bit then. Harry here knows what this is about so I will just give you the brief explanation and then we are going to have to travel somewhere to confirm his identity." Aydan said, taking over the conversation this time. He knew that this was likely the celebrity but needed to be sure and figure out who has custody of him right now.

"Why don't we stop by the hotel and pick up Harry's teachers, maybe they can help explain a bit more" Tom suggested. He had a feeling that they would need to be involved in this.

"What teachers?" Aydan asked, looking around as if he might spot them.

"Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came over here to help me clear up a few things in regards to who Harry's guardian is currently." Tom replied.

The group got into two cars. Tom, one of the MP's from the office who works the directors security, and the two American MACUSA got into the first car. The second car had Jethro, Kelly, Harry, Julius and Jackson. The trip to the Washington Gringotts only took about 25 minutes, where they parked on a side street and entered through the African American Civil War Memorial, specifically a hidden back door in the memorial that is only accessible to magicals.

Julius held Harry's hand, while Jethro held Kelly in his arms. The two kids' heads swiveled all around trying to take in everything. It was so much different than Diagon Alley, and honestly Harry preferred this to the craziness that is Diagon Alley. There were rows of buildings lining the streets that branches off from a center circle where a similar monument lay, this one depicting a clearly Magical battle. To the right Harry could see two streets that branches out in a Y shape that seemed to have restaurants and small stores such as mom and pop shops and grocery stores. Toward his left there seemed to be some hotels, some stores that are likely for school supply shopping, and a massive book store that he could see from where he was. The group moved forward directly in front of where they came out, where a short road led to what was clearly a Gringotts, with the large white marble building that was guarded by a couple of goblins.

"I am going to send a message to the two Hogwarts professors before we get to Gringotts as I am sure they likely need to be here to help settle guardianship." Aydan said, taking out his wand and a piece of paper. He quickly wrote out a note before mumbling a spell, too quiet for Harry to hear, that had the paper pop out of existence in front of them.

They group walked up to the large white building, where Aydan and Paula quickly bowed to the guard goblins. The rest of the group, while confused, followed the actions of those who would know best how to deal with the beings. They walked in where the group was momentarily stunned by the beauty of the bank. Large columns went from floor to ceiling, that were hand carved into scenes of battles. The desks were tall and clearly hand crafted as well. Paula walked up to the desk with the shortest line and they stood waiting. Harry took the time to compare this branch to the British branch. The goblins here were dressed in pressed suits with vests that have the Gringotts logo on the left breast pocket.

"Good morning, may your enemies tremble at your feet Teller Guggott. We request a meeting with Manager Blordak." Paula said. The goblin, Guggott, looked up and flicked his eyes over the group, stopping on Harry for a fraction of a second longer than the others.

"Manager Blordak will be with you shortly, please be seated while you wait." Guggott said, looking back at the leger on his desk dismissing the humans in front of him.

The group moved to the chairs along the wall to wait, they saw Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall come into the bank. Paula waved them over and quietly explained what was happening and who they were waiting for. The group waits, making small talk until a runner comes to bring them to Manager Blordak's office. Harry grabs Julius' hand tightly as they knock on the door, he had a feeling his life was about to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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