Ducky to The Rescue

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I did not know what to name this chapter so this is good enough.

I finally found a part time internship so after chapter 7 which is the one I am currently writing uploads might slow down. I did not expect to be able to write as much as I am currently so take advantage while we can.

Chapter Text

The group of nine spent the next half an hour eating, talking and drinking coffee. The kids were quiet, just observing everything around them. LJ was talking about his experience in the corps during World War II with Ruiz and Cayson. They talked about their awards as well for a while. They noticed Harry listening in but did not point it out, hoping not to scare the kid.

They all went to the living room where Ducky set down a black bag he had with him. He had Kelly sit in the recliner and took out some of his tools. He grabbed his stethoscope and pen light. He checked her basic functions and checked for a concussion. He prodded around her arm and saw that it was clearly broken but that they had done a good job keeping it stable. He wrote down everything he was observing.

"Okay so I will look at young Harry now but then I think we are going to need to go to the local hospital for them." Ducky said. He helped Kelly to sit next to her grandpa and motioned Harry over to the chair.

"I am fine sir; I was not in the accident." Harry was confused as to why they wanted to check him.

"I know lad, but we want to make sure you were not hurt while you made your way here." Ducky said, only slightly lying as he had been told about the infection on his back. "Now come over here it will only take a moment."

Harry cautiously went to the chair. He knew that nobody was supposed to find out about his punishments, but he did not know what else to do. Ducky started the same was he did for Kelly, checking his heart, lungs, eyes and functioning. Harry was starting to get up when Ducky said that he just needed to check one more thing.

It happened very fast. Ducky started to lift the back of Harry's t-shirt to check the infection when he was pushed away. He fell backwards while Harry started running out the door. Julius chased the young boy while Jackson and San helped Ducky get up. Kelly was hiding behind the man closest to her which happened to be LJ while he tried to calm her down.

Harry ran as fast as he could out the door. He had no idea where he was or where he was going. All he could think about was that they weren't supposed to know, he would get in trouble and the beatings would get worse. He ran for at least ten minutes before he found a park, where he quickly crawled into the tube that goes between platforms.

Julius was not far behind and saw where Harry went to hide. He slowed down and walked a bit loudly so that the kid knew he was coming. He climbed onto the platform outside of the tube and waited. He could hear the small breaths the kid was taking trying to calm down. He waited until he heard some shuffling around in the tube before he laid down on his stomach so he could see Harry.

"Hey bud. Are you feeling a bit better now?" Julius said.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered. He was a little ashamed of how he reacted. He was a hero in his world, and he was running away from people who could help him. He had learned the hard way that he would never get help in England, but this was different. He left Kelly and ran away from a kind man.

"That's okay. We know you were probably scared but there is nothing to be scared of bud." Julius said. He knew based on the kid's reaction and his scars that he was likely abused. He also learned that the abusers often threaten those they abuse if they were to tell.

"I didn't hurt Ducky, did I?" Harry asked as tears threatened to fall again. He was scared, confused and hurt. He did not mean to push Ducky, but he had to get away.

"No, you did not, he is alright. If you don't believe me, how about we walk back and make sure?" Julius said. He waited patiently for Harry to decide and moved to stand up when he saw the kid crawling towards him. He helped Harry get down and held out his hand for the kid to hold if he wanted. Harry hesitated but eventually grabbed the offered hand. This was a new experience for him, and he wanted to soak up the affection before it was taken from him. He did not realize he was crying again until Julius stopped and leaned down to wipe the tears. When Harry started crying harder at that the marine just picked the small boy up and held him as he continued to walk. He noticed the boy was way too light and small for an eleven almost twelve-year-old. He rubbed the boys back as he walked back to the house.

He opened the door when he got there and saw everyone sitting around the living room still. He made eye contact with Dr. Mallard and motioned for him to follow him into the dining room. He sat down at the table with Harry in his lap, the boy hiding his face against the older man's neck.

"Harry, I have Ducky here. Is there anything you would like to ask him or say to him?" Julius said, rubbing the boys back again.

Harry peeked out of the neck to look at the doctor. "I'm sorry I pushed you. You did not get hurt right?"

"I am okay dear boy. Thank you for the apology. Would you like to tell me why you ran away?" Ducky asked. He smiled at the boy to show that it was okay when he saw the green eyes peeking at him.

"I'm not supposed ta tell, '' Harry whispered. He hid his face again in Julius' neck. Ducky and Julius shared a look that spoke volumes, they both understood this was an abused child.

"Well, you can tell me. I have many good friends who can help protect you if you need that." Ducky said. He reached forward to rub his hand down the back of Harry's head. The little boy leaned into the touch unconsciously so Ducky kept his hand there.

"Uncle Vernon says I am a freak and deserve to be punished for running their normal family" Harry said, peaking at Julius to see how he would react. The two men had to control their rage to not scare the boy.

"I may not know Uncle Vernon, but I know that you are not a freak. You are a brave, strong little boy who not only ran towards where people needed help but made sure that you brought your new friend to somewhere safe. You were brave to tell us that you need help and now we can get you the help." Julius said.

"But I had to leave Kelly's mum and I didn't wanna" Harry said. His speech slightly regressing the more he felt safe with these men.

"And that was a very big decision to make, and I know that was hard. You were so brave to check and make sure that there was nothing you could do to stop. Do you think you can continue to be brave for me and come to the doctor with us? Kelly needs to see the doctor and I think you should as well." Ducky said. As a medical examiner he had seen thousands of dead bodies, he could never imagine having to see one at 11.

"You're not gonna leave right?" Harry asked. Closing his hand around Julius' uniform to make sure they wouldn't take him away from them.

"Of course not. We will stay together." Julius said. He stood up and held Harry against his hip as they walked to the living room. "Hey guys. We are going to be heading to the hospital to help make sure that both kids are healthy and to get a cast for Kelly's arm. While there I will make a call to the Gunny and see if they can have him come home." 

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