Temporary Custody

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I want to say I am back but uploads will be slow. I am busy and finally found work at least part time so I will not have as much time to write. I told myself I would write a bunch over Christmas holidays but I did not actually have the time because I got sick and then family was visiting.

This is the chapter I just completed. And did I start another new crossover... yes. But I will not post it until I am further along in this if people want. That will give me more time to write more and focus on both. It is a Harry Potter/9-1-1 crossover because I love that show.

Chapter Text

Harry looked up when he heard the door open, expecting Pride to come back with dinner because he left for a while. Instead he watched as Pride lead his professors into the room, he took a second to look at what they were wearing as he had never seen them in anything but robes. His head of house was wearing a forest green blouse with black dress pants while Professor Snape was wearing black jeans and a black button up shirt. He was clearly still wearing all black like the thick robes he normally wore.

"Ah Mr. Potter there you are. We were so worried when we got notified about your adventure." Minerva said. She looked at the small boy and realized for the first time just how small he really is.

"Professor! I am okay." Harry said, scrambling to stand up. Not wanting to be seen sitting on Julius's lap, he quickly hid the bear behind his back as well.

"Potter, spoiled as ever. You just had to be the hero didn't you. Can you ever stay out of trouble? Just like your father, arrogant and selfish." Snape began, he was about to continue his rant until he was cut off by Jethro.

"I am going to stop you there. Who do you think you are to yell at a little boy like that. He saved my daughter's life and helped her find safety. If that is what you consider selfish then I would hate to see your idea of what I consider selfish. Harry and Kelly, why don't you two go wash up before dinner with Julius while we have a quick conversation." Jethro said. He turned towards the kids to give them a reassuring smile. Julius stood and grabbed the hands of both kids, taking them to the family bathroom on the floor below. "Now, you sir need to calm down. That is an eleven year old boy who just went through something traumatic and you're yelling at him like it was his fault my family was attacked. He selflessly went to the scene of a crime where he saw not one but two dead bodies then hurt himself trying to get my little girl out of the car. He somehow managed to get away safely and made it to my father's place where the kids would be safe. I do not know what your problem is with that little boy but if you do not stand down I will make you." Gibbs said, turning on Severus as soon as the kids were out of the room.

"You don't know the brat like I do. Always getting into trouble, breaking the rules, running around trying to endanger others. Just like his father was, a bully and a brat." Severus said. Minerva was shaking her head next to him, far too used to her colleagues hatred for all things Potter.

"Severus, that is enough! I have had enough of you only seeing James in that little boy. Harry is not James, he was not even raised by James so how could he know what his father was like. You never used to be this bad, what has gotten into you?" Minerva said. She was looking at Severus like he was crazy. "I apologize for Severus, I do not know what has gotten into him. I will talk to him tonight." Minerva said when she turned to everyone else in the room, mostly addressing the man Severus was arguing with. He was a tall man with short dark hair, crystal blue eyes and a healthy looking tan as if he spent a lot of time outside.

"Let's have dinner tonight and then tomorrow we will meet back here and figure out custody and how this will all work. You have signed the permission for us to question Harry so Mike will get the official statement after dinner with Minerva in the room as the first on the list given by James and Lily Potter." Tom Morrow said from his desk.

Agent Betts came into the room with a few boxes of pizza and some bottles of water and soda. He set it out on the conference table and left to grab plates and utensils from the breakroom. Julius came back with the kids. Kelly talked about her favorite pizza (pepperoni) while Harry remained quiet. He was nervous about his most hated professor being there, not understanding why Snape would have come.

"Come here Hare. You can sit by me and Jethro." Julius said. He led the quiet boy over to the table and pulled out the seat next to Jethro. Harry said quietly while Julius got him some cheese pizza. Everyone around the table talked about basic things like the weather in the US compare to England and Scotland, how long they have been in their jobs, things like that while Harry ate silently and Kelly told Minerva all about her new teddy.

Minerva joined Harry and Mike Franks for Harry's official statement. By the time they were done Harry was exhausted and falling asleep on his feet. Mike grabbed his hand to lead him back to the Directors office where Julius picked up the sleepy boy. He handed him Major who Harry immediately cuddled into his chest. Minerva and Severus went back to the hotel they got a room in with Agent Pride while Harry, Julius, Kelly and Jethro went back with Tom Morrow again to his place with the other marines and a couple agents. Julius woke Harry long enough to change and use the bathroom before putting him to bed.

The next morning was much calmer than the day before. Harry woke up before Kelly and went downstairs. He saw Jethro, Julius and Brent doing some exercises in the backyard when he went into the kitchen for a drink. He decided to make everyone breakfast to thank them for everything they have done for him. He started with making eggs when he found some in the fridge as well as some bacon he found.

Tom joined him and after reassuring Harry that it was okay to cook but please make sure an adult is there next time, he made some bagels and toast as well. They chatted for a while about what they would be doing that day while waiting for everyone to get up and join them for breakfast.

After a quick breakfast and rounds of showers everyone was ready to head back to the office. Harry decided to ride with Jethro, Kelly and Julius this time, so they moved the booster seat they got for him into Jethro's car. Julius was driving due to Jethro's concussion; they did not want him to drive. The ride was filled with laughter and talking where Harry asked a bunch of questions about the marines.

They joined Agent Pride where he sat with Severus and Minerva talking while eating some breakfast. The group sat together making small talk until they finished eating.

"I got a notification this morning from Agent Franks that they got permission from Mexico to go after cartel member Pedro Hernandez. He fled back to Mexico after the murder of Agent Mitchell and Shannon. While we wait for confirmation from Agent Franks and the rest of his team Jethro, Kelly and Harry will remain in protective custody with temporary guardianship assigned to Tom Morrow. After the danger has passed, we will discuss what will happen with long term guardianship of Harry." Agent Pride said, as he was the one who was updated by his agent in charge this morning.

Tom set up a conference room with toys and activities for the kids as well as Jethro and the marines. The group would stay there until after lunch when Tom would work from home so that they did not just have to sit in the office all day. That morning Tom had a meeting with the Director of the FBI so the rest of the agents would make sure his charges remained safe. At one point Gibbs and the kids went down to the gym Jethro taught the kids some self-defense and got some of the energy they had out. The next few days passed in a similar pattern, waiting for the call from Franks that they were safe again.

Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo FideliusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang