The Fate of the Dursley's

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We finally learn the fate of the Dursley's... or do we?


This is fairly short, I am sorry. I have had a few interviews and my internship work was busy this week. Let me know what you think. I have a plan for Petunia but you'll have to wait to find out.

Chapter Text

Harry was walking besides Julius as they walked back from the bathroom. He had tried pizza for the first time and loved it. He can see why Dudley was always wanting it, even if his relatives did not often order it. They liked to make him cook so that he could watch them eat and get the scraps. They walked back into the room where they went back to the table where everyone was sitting talking. Harry grabbed Major and sat down between Julius and Kelly.

"Hey Harry bud, can you answer a few questions for us?" Tom asked.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Harry said.

"What is the name of your relatives? We need to be able to contact them so we can officially get your statement." Tom asked.

"My Aunt is Petunia Dursley, maiden name Evans. My uncle is Vernon Dursley, he works at Grunning's Drill Company, they are the ones who sent us here for a trip. My cousin is Dudley Dursley, he is my age and he's super fat." Harry said.

"Okay bud and they were in the motel room when you were where?" This time Mike asked the question.

"I think they were, I went for a walk after being in the car for a long time. What happened to them?" Harry asked. He had a small feeling they might be dead but he was not sure.

"We found your uncle deceased at the door of his motel room. When we entered we found your aunt Petunia knocked unconscious in front of the bathroom door. After unlocking the bathroom door we found your cousin, also unconscious. Your aunt and cousin have been brought to the hospital. We have an agent with them now to get their stories as well." Mike said, looking down at his notepad where he wrote the information.

"What happens when they wake up?" Harry asked, a little afraid of going back with his aunt. She would surely blame him for this.

"For right now, you will be staying in protective custody with Tom and the marines and Gibbs family. When they wake up, we will determine what will happen then. Until then, do you know of anyone else we can contact for permission to officially take your statement?" Mike asked.

Harry thought about it for a while, his first thought was Dumbledore, but he would not help, Afterall he told Harry he had to stay with his relatives. His second thought was Professor McGonagall. "We can call one of my friends' parents, they know how to get in contact with someone from my school. It is a school that you need to send letters to so they can send something faster than international mail." Harry said. He had left Hedwig with Hermione, sending a note saying he needed her to watch Hedwig while he was in America because he could not take her with him. He had to leave behind his broom as well, so he knew that was safe.

"Okay what are their names?" Mike said, grabbing a pen to write the information down.

"Um well my friend's name is Hermione Granger, her parents are both dentists in London, I do not know their names. I am sorry." Harry said, looking down while playing with Major's hat.

"That is okay, we will look them up. When is your friend Hermione's birthday? We can find her birth certificate and find their names." Tom said, moving over to rub Harry's back and reassure him it is okay.

It took them about half an hour to track down the phone numbers of Dr. Wendell Granger and his wife Dr. Monica Granger, parents of 12-year-old Hermione Granger.

"Good afternoon, sir, is this Doctor Wendell Granger?" Tom said into the phone.

"Good evening sir, yes this is he." Wendell said, confused why the phone rang so late at night.

"My name is Special Agent Mike Franks and I work for the Naval Investigative Service here in the United States of America. While investigating a case a young man helped to save a young girl who was involved. His guardians were injured and unable to give us permission to take his statement. He told us that you, his best friend's parents, would be able to get in contact with his school about sending someone to give us permission and possibly become a temporary guardian." Mike said into the phone that was on speaker.

"Oh no. Which friend is it? We will send off a letter in the morning. It is currently about 12 am here." Wendell said, writing it down so they would remember.

"It is her friend Harry Potter. If you could ask them to come as fast as possible and call us back at this number with their arrival time. Thank you, sorry about calling so late." Mike said.

"Okay and is Harry okay? I'll need to write if he's hurt or not." Wendell said.

"I'm okay Dr. Granger. My aunt and uncle were hurt and so I need someone from the school to give permission. Maybe Hermione can send a letter to Professor McGonagall. I am safe here and being watched by some marines. Tell Hermione that I am okay and that I hope to see her soon!" Harry said after Mike said he could tell his friends father himself.

"That's good lad, I am glad you're okay. I'll send the letter as soon as we wake up." Wendell said, glad to hear the young boy who his daughter wrote and talks about often. 

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