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It was now the start of the term and everyone was excited for another year of Hogwarts. It's 1975 and a group of four boys where talking together at the Gryffindor table as to what pranks they would pull this year. One was reading trying to ignore the others but still pitching in ideas as they went. This was Remus Lupin, a boy who enjoyed chocolate and reading and learning. He has scars scattered on his skin and he wears sweaters more than anything else when he can but he just lives his life with his best friends. Then there was Sirius Black. Everyone could tell he was in love with Remus but he wouldn't admit it. He was a ring leader with his best friend/brother James Potter. Now Sirius had just recently ran away from home and was now living with the Potters as he was disowned from the black family. But he doesn't care as he is now living with his best friend, although he does regret leaving Regulus behind. Now James Potter is a very interesting guy. Absolutely loving Quidditch and pranks, but also being completely in love with Lily Evans. He's not afraid to show his love either, even tho it leads to him being turned down. Peter Pettigrew was an interesting kid, always being convinced to do things with those around him he follows the other three boys like a lost dog (or rat).

On the other side of the table there were four girls who hated what the boys do. Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald. The four of them just tried to ignore the four boys wanting nothing to do with them.

As everyone was finishing up their dinner the doors to the great hall slam open. There standing in all their glory was the potters, the blacks, the Weasleys, and people from the Ministry of magic.

"Mom? Dad?" James says confused on what's going on.

"What did you do to bring us here?" Fleamont Potter asks.

"Nothing! I haven't even pulled a single prank yet!" James exclaims.

"Oh what a lovelyyyy reunion," Sirius says sarcastically looking at his old parents.

"Oh shut up you blood-traitor," Walburga sneers.

All of a sudden a letter pops up in front of Dumbledore before he can even question why they are all there. The doors slam shut and everyone looks alarmed. Dumbledore quickly reads the letter to try and calm everyone down.

Dear class of 1975 and everyone else,
By now you have noticed the guests that have joined you. If you're reading this then thank Merlin this worked. We are losing the war. Yes you heard that right, the war. We are currently in the second wizarding war. Voldemort came back. And we need your help more than ever. We are losing people to quickly. Once you're done reading this 8 movies will appear following our lives. We will join you if we can. And don't worry about your studies (I'm virtually looking at you Remus and Lily) time will be frozen while you're here. You won't be able to leave until all the movies are done. You will be allowed to take notes and we encourage you to do so. We are hoping that by showing you this, you can change the future so there isn't as much loss. Magic won't work besides for selected few. We wish you luck and hopefully we will join.
The future generation
P.S. - younger students (first-second years and maybe third years) sit with older students because some of them get bad.

Everyone just stands in shock and true to the letter 8 movies appear in front if Dumbledore with the front blanked out so they couldn't see the names. Only showing a number for the order they need to watch them in.

Soon after a bright light flashes and multiple kids fall in a large pile. Most have blood covering their faces and bodies as they quickly stand up with their wands out before glancing at each other knowing it worked.

Madam Pomfrey quickly jumps into motion quickly grabbing her wand and starts to heal them not even caring who they were also forgetting that not everyone can do magic at the moment. Once she was satisfied she went back and sat down and Dumbledore stood up.

"Maybe it would be best if you introduced yourself"

The new people glance at each other and one girl nods her head and they all quickly go with that. One girl with curly hair steps forward.

"My name is Hermione Granger, I'm 17 years old, and you won't know my parents as I'm a muggle-born. I'm a Gryffindor." Remus noticed she grabbed into her arm when she says that glancing at Bellatrix in slight fear before sitting down.

A blonde hair boy steps forward, "my name is Draco Malfoy, I'm 17, and a pure-blood. My parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. I'm a Slytherin." The Slytherins nod and he sits in front of his parents.

Next two redhead twins stepped forward.
"Im Fred Weasley"
"Im George Weasley"
"We are 20 years old, we were in Gryffindor and our parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley."
They go and sit and Molly and Lily notice George missing his ear.

Another redhead stepped forward, "I'm Ron Weasley, you already know my parents. I'm 17 and a Gryffindor." Ron goes and sits with his family.

A redhead girl steps forward. "I'm Ginny Weasley, the only female Weasley child in the family, I'm 16 and in Gryffindor." Ginny goes and sits with the rest of her family as Molly gushes over her.

A blonde girl with a far away look steps up. "I'm Luna Lovegood, I'm 16, a Ravenclaw. My parents are Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood." She goes and sits with her parents as Pandora blushes.

Another boy steps up slightly nervous. "I'm Neville Longbottom. I'm 17, a Gryffindor. My parents are Frank and Alice Longbottom." He sits with them as Alice Blushes that she married her crush and the Marauders pat Frank on the back laughing.

Everyone turns their attention on the last girl standing there as she holds herself nervous but also confident.

"I'm Hazel Potter-" she gets cut off my James cheering that he has a little girl "I'm 17, a Gryffindor-" she gets cut off again by James cheering again "would you shut up- anyways, my parents are James Potter and Lily Evans/Potter."

James just stands in shock before a giant grin breaks on his face as he jumps up and down shouting "I GOT LILY-FLOWER!" It took a good 15 minutes for him to calm down before he grabs Hazel to sit with him and the Marauders.

The tables are all changed to couches and the first movie starts to play.

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