The Philosophers Stone: Part 7

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[Outside back in Diagon Alley, Hazel and Hagrid are walking through the street. Hazel has bought most of his equipment, and is reading his list.]
Hazel: I still need...a wand.

"WE GET TO SEE YOU GET YOUR WAND?!" James asks but basically shouts

Hagrid: A wand? Well, you'll want Ollivanders. [he points to the store] No place better. Run along there, but wait. I just got one more thing I got to do. Won't be long.
[Hazel goes into the store, quietly. She looks around. There are shelves of wands in boxes, but no people.]
Hazel: [Softly] Hello? Hello?

"You know you need to shout louder to get anyones attention right?" Professor Sprout asks kindly. Hazel just nods embarrassed.

[Then, a noise came from the back, and a man appears on a ladder and looks at Hazel. The man is Ollivander and he smiles.]
Ollivander: I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Ms. Potter.

"That actually creeped me out that he knew me," Hazel says pointing at it.
All the muggle borns nod in understanding. It would be weird to show up not knowing anything and then having a random person knowing who they are by name and recognise you even though you've never met them.

Ollivander: It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands. [Picks a wand] Ah. Here we are. [Hazel holds it, but does nothing] Well, give it a wave. [Hazel is hesitant, but waves. This causes most of the boxes to come flying out and crashing down. Hazel jumps and hurriedly puts the wand back on the counter. ] Apparently not. [Gets another wand from a box.] Perhaps this. [Hazel waves at a vase, which shatters, startling Hazel.] No, no, definitely not! No matter... [gets a wand from a box, but stops and becomes thoughtful] I wonder. [Ollivander hands the wand to Hazel. No sooner after she touched it, Hazel suddenly glows under it, blowing her hair up and several of the paperwork in the background. Ollivander looked a bit surprised and deep in thought.] Curious, very curious.

"What's curious?" A random ravenclaw asks
"Well maybe if you shut up and listen the movie will explain it," their friends says wanting people to shut up.

Hazel: Sorry, but what's curious?

That ravenclaw that asked originally blushed that they said the same thing as Hazel.

Ollivander: [examining the wand he gave to Hazel] I remember every wand I've ever sold, Ms. Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand gave one other feather, just one. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.

Everyone is frozen at this still not knowing what happened to Hazel when she was a baby. The Slytherins are freaking out slightly starting to peace things together as the movie kept going. They knew she has a cursed scar, then with the fact that thet found out Hazel's parents were killed, and has a matching wand to the one that caused all this. Their eyes are completely wide!

[Points to the lighting bolt scar on Hazel's forehead]
Hazel: And...who owned that wand?
Ollivander: Oh, we do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard, Ms. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things...terrible, yes, but great. [he hands Hazel back her wand.]

"D-Did he just complement... He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Sirius asked in shock
"No idiot, he complemented the magic, not him," Remus says slapping the back of Sirius's head.
"I KNEW IT!" Regulus shouts.
Everyone looks at him making him slightly embarrassed.
"What? I figured it out before it was said," Regulus says.
"Wait, that means, James and I got killed by him-" Lily says in shock tears popping up into her eyes. James just pulls her into him hugging her and surprisingly she doesn't pull away making James look at his friends in shock.

[Hazel then hears a knock on the window.]
Hagrid: Hazel! Hazel! Happy birthday! [Has a snowy owl in a cage, which hoots, her name is Hedwig.]
Hazel: [amazed] Wow.

"Thank you Hagid," James says to the half-giant with a small smile. Hagid just nods in return.

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