The Chamber of Secrets: Part 4

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[Hazel landed in Borgin and Burkes. Hazel goes into a cabinet. Draco and Lucius arrives to the store.]

"Why would you go into the cabinet??" Belatrix asks panicked.

Lucius: Don't touch anything, Draco
Draco: Yes, father

"Why did you take our son there," Narcissa says with the black calmness that makes them scary.
Lucius pales knowing this movie might get him in trouble.

Mr. Borgin: Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably--
Lucius: I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling
Mr. Borgin: Selling?
Lucius: Draco
[Draco puts a box on the counter.]
Lucius: You are aware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses. There's even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act
[Lucius unravels a roll of parchment, hands it to Borgin.]

Amelia just watches in interest trying to figure out what is going on, but makes a note that they will be searching into his background and even his house.

Lucius: I have a few... ah... items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like...

"That does it, Lucius Malfoy, we will be conducting a search of your house once the movies are over," Amelia says angry and most people agree with her.

Mr. Borgin: Hmmm... yes. I see...
[Inside the cabinet, Hazel realizes the walls are closing in. Her eyes shift upward. The ceiling is dropping.]

"Get out of there," Lily says worried for her daughter.
"And get in trouble with the Malfoys, I think I am okay," Hazel says back.

[Draco drifts to the Hand of Glory, reaches out, when... the hand grabs him. Draco  shrieks, manages to slip free, then calms. He eyes the hand with malicious glee.]
Draco: Can I have this?

"No Draco," Narcissa says glaring at Lucius.

Mr. Borgin: Ah, the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle and it gives light only to
the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir.
Lucius: Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin. Though if his marks don't pick up-

People glare at Lucius, they may not like the Malfoy's but no kid deserves to be talked about like that.

Draco: It's not my fault the teachers have favorites. That Hermione Granger

People cheer for Hermione to be top of the class.
"Way to go Hermione!!" Remus cheers making the said girl blush at the attention.

Lucius: I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam.

"Not when it's Hermione, that girl is really smart, it's kind of scary," Barty says with a shudder and his friends glance at him confused.

Mr. Borgin: It's the same all over. Wizard blood is counting for less everywhere.
Lucius: [deadly] Not with me.

"Stop trying to be intimidating Lucy, it doesn't really work," Bellatrix cracks out laughing.

[Inside the cabinet, Hazel's knees are up under her chin]

People grow worried for the poor girl wondering if she was going to be able to get out of the cabinet in time.

[Borgin checks off one last time, then returns the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nods.]
Lucius: Very good. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, Draco.

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