The Philosophers Stone: Part 22

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[It is snowy in daytime, Hazel is out in a main courtyard, bundled up, with Hedwig on his arm. She stops and she lifts off, soaring away into the sky. As the time passed when she returns, it is now spring time.]

"Okay that was a cool transition," Marlene says with a smile.

Hazel: Hi, Hedwig. [Hedwig has just flown down to the table where Hazel, Ron and Hermoine are studying]
Hermione: Look at you playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon.

"So they aren't studying," Sirius says laughing.

Ron: I'm ready! Ask me any question.
Hermione: All right, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?
Ron: ...I forgot.

This causes almost everyone to break out laughing.
"Perfect reasoning," Barty says laughing

Hermione: And what, may I ask, do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam?
Ron: Copy off you?
Hermione: No, you won't! Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell.
Ron: That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us! [checks a card, irritated] Dumbledore again!

"I hate those quills," Sirius and James mutter
"And you wonder why I use them," McGonagall mutters.

[Just then, Neville Longbottom comes hopping into the Great Hall with his legs stuck together as the other students laugh at him.]

"Poor Neville," Alice says holding Neville tightly.
"I'm okay mom," Neville says calming her down.

Ron: Leg-Locker Curse?
Hazel: Malfoy. [Neville approaches them amidst laughter from the other students]

"DRACO! APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW!" Narcissa yells out scaring some people.
"I'm sorry Neville," Draco says quickly.
"It's fine. It's in the past," Neville says back.

Ron: You have got to start standing up to people, Neville.
Neville: [wobbling uncontrollably] How? I can barely stand at all!

This causes everyone to break out laughing.
"I'm sorry that shouldn't be funny but it is," Remus says to Neville.
"It's alright I think it's funny now anyways," Neville says back to Remus.

Seamus: [jumping up, wand at the ready] I'll do the counter-curse!

"You will make him expode you buffoon," McGonagall says making people look at her in shock.

Neville Longbottom: No, that's all I need... you to set my bloody kneecaps on fire!
Seamus: [slamming his wand down angrily] I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom. Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back! [He then stalks off angrily, showing a large chunk of hair missing from the back of his head.]

Everyone starts laughing even more than they were before.

Hazel: I found him! [hands Ron a Chocolate Frog card of Dumbledore]

"You found Dumbledore?" Regulus asks confused on what is going on.

Ron: 'Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark" Wizard Grindelwald in 1945–'
Hazel: Go on.

"If you didn't interrupt he would have continued reading," Barty says shaking his head in mock disappointment.

Ron: '-for his discovery of the 12 uses of Dragon Blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel!'

"Hazel actually was smart?!" Sirius asks in shock messing with the girl making others laugh.

Hazel: I knew the name sounded familiar. I read it on the train that day.
Hermione: [beaming excitedly] Follow me!
[the Trio tears out of the Great Hall, leaving poor Neville still flailing around]

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