The Chamber of Secrets: Part 11

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[We join the Quidditch match in mid-game. The crowd roars, watching as Slytherin Chasers, bent low over their new brooms, jet past the overmatched Gryffindors.]

"QUIDDITCH!" James yells out.
"Are you going to be doing that everytime?" Lily asks him.

Hagrid: Gallopin' Gorgons! Slytherin's flyin' like they got dragon fire in their brooms

People laugh at what Hagrid said finding it absolutely hilarious.

[Ron fumes, looking as though he takes Slytherin's dominance personally. Taking Hagrid's giant binoculars, he trains them on the faculty box -- where Lucius Malfoy sits next to Snape.]

"Why does he get to sit there, last time I checked he isnt staff," Fred and George complain.

[Hazel circles high above the pitch, searching for the Golden Snitch. Suddenly, Malfoy streaks by overhead.]
Draco: All right there, Scarhead?

"Is that the best you could come up with?" Hazel asks Draco.
"At the time, I guess?" Draco responds.

[Hazel turns, eyes Malfoy malevolently. Behind him, a bludger drops into frame, begins to streak toward her head.]
[Hazel wheels and at the last possible moment, slips the whistling bludger. Crack! George swoops down, bats it away. Hazel turns, watches it soar away, then blinks: the bludger turns, streaks right back at her. Hazel jets off.]

"They aren't supposed to do that!" James yells out scared for his daughter.
"Why is this happening again!" Lily also yells out.
"You are banned from Quidditch young lady, you keep getting yourself almost killed each time," Sirius fake scolds.
"HEY NO NO NO KEEP QUIDDITCH!" James yells out in a panic.

Hagrid: (from the stands) Blimey, Hazel's got herself a Rogue Bludger!
Ron: Rogue Bludger?
Hagrid: Look fer yerself! It's bin' tampered with!
[Hazel executes a series of zigs, zags, loops and rolls, trying to shake the Bludger, but the Bludger is relentless.]

"Why aren't the professors doing anything!" Regulus says loudly kind of mad that they are just sitting there watching a students almost get killed.

[Ron instinctively draws his wand, begins to point it toward Hazel and the Bludger, when... Hermione's hand intercedes. She glances knowingly at his fractured wand.]
Hermione: You're joking, right? Besides, even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Hazel.

"Thank you Hermione, I didn't really want to be hit with a spell," Hazel says with a small laugh and it makes Hermione and Ron laugh with her.

[As Hazel frantically dips and dives, Malfoy cruises by.]
Draco: Training for the ballet, Potter?

"You can literally see she is being chased by a bludger, and you are picking fun at her?!" Narcissa asks her son shocked.
"Not my best moment," Draco says back.

[Hazel glances at Malfoy's sneering face. Buzzing inches above Malfoy's left ear is... the golden snitch. Hazel charges. Malfoy gulps, swings clear, and watches Hazel rocket past.]

"The golden snitch was right next to you, yet you were so busy making fun of Hazel you completely missed it?!" Regulus asks shocked since he did want Slytherin to win.

[As Hazel chases the plummeting Snitch, Malfoy follows in hot pursuit. They race downwards, trailing the hissing snitch deep into the trench circling the pitch. Shoulder to shoulder, they race madly, driving and dodging the wooden support beams that crisscross their path. Directly behind them, the Bludger follows, shattering the beams as it dogs Hazel.]

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