The Philosophers Stone: Part 25

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[Nighttime. In the Gryffindor Common Room. The three friends come down the stairs and begin to walk across the floor. They stop when they hear croaking.]
Hazel: Trevor.
Ron: Trevor shh! Go, you shouldn't be here!
Neville: [appears behind a chair] Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?

"Why didn't I just let them go," Neville whines putting his face into his hands.
"It's okay Neville, you didn't know," Ron says to the boy.

Hazel: Now, Neville, listen. We were -
Neville: No! I won't let you! [stands] You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you. [Neville holds out his fists.]

"Neville no! Hermione is really smart, and Hazel has proven to be smart when she sets her mind," Alice says holding onto Frank.
"I'm not sure if that was a complement or an insult," Hazel says confused.

Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this...[takes out wand] Petrificus Totalus.
[Neville is frozen and falls backwards onto the ground. Hermione puts her wand back.]
Ron: [Gulp] You're a little scary know that? Brilliant, but scary.

Some people laugh at Ron's comment and some agree completely with her.
"I like you... somewhat," Bellatrix smirks.

Hazel: Let's go. [Walks by Neville] Sorry.

"Yeah, sorry Neville," Hazel says to the boy.

Hermione: Sorry.

"Sorry!" Hermione says as well.

Ron: It's for your own good, you know.


[The three are under the Invisibility cloak, sneaking along the corridor.]
Hermione: Ow! You stood on my foot!
Ron: Sorry. [A flame lights. Hermione draws out her wand and points it at the door.]
Hermione: Alohomora.
[The door opens and they go in.]
Ron: Wait a minute...he's....

"I don't think it's good that its quiet besides for some music..." Blaise says and Theo slaps the back of his head.
"No shit."

[a blow of air, and the cape flutters off them.]
Ron: Sleeping.
Hazel: Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp.

"Oh no.."

[They approach the sleeping dog.]

"How about just leave, let it be stolen!" James yells out worried about her.

Ron: Uh. It's got horrible breath!
Hazel: We have to move its paw.
Ron: What?!

"I'm with Ron... WHAT?!" Barty shouts out.

Hazel: Come on! [grabs paw, which is blocking the door.] Okay. Push! [They strain and move it. They open the door.] I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. [Fluffy's eyes open.] If something bad happens, get yourselves out...Does it seem a bit...quiet?

Everyone is frozen in their seats. James is holding onto Hazel tightly and when he notices Lily basically shaking he lets go of Hazel and goes over to Lily hugging her. Remus quickly takes over and holds onto Hazel in hopes of calming down Moony.

Hermione: The harp. It stopped playing.
[Drool from one head comes down on Ron's shoulder.]

"Ew that's gross," Blaise says.

Ron: Ew! Yuck! Ugh. [All three kids look up and see Fluffy standing there. Fluffy barks and growls, thrashing. It breaks the harp and dives at the three.]
Hazel: Jump! Go! [They all jump through the trapdoor.]

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