The Chamber of Secrets: Part 15

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[Hazel and Ron mount the stairs, emerge.]
Ron: I know Hermione's mental, but can you believe she falls for that smarmy nonsense of Lockhart's?
[They stop. Look down. A great flood of water streams from the girls' bathroom. From within, Myrtle can be heard moaning.]

"Not her again," Sirius complains already wanting to cover his ears.

Hazel: Looks like Myrtle's flooded the bathroom.
[As Hazel sploshes off toward the bathroom, Ron steps lightly.]
Ron: Yuck
[Huge, wracking moans echo off the dreary tile. All the taps are running, streaming like tiny waterfalls. As Hazel and Ron step to the last cubicle, Myrtle spins accusingly.]
Moaning Myrtle: Come to throw something else at me?

"Why would they throw something at her?" Barty asks.
"Don't know, as we have seen she's sensitive, maybe someone through something and then it hit her," Regulus says back.

Hazel: Why would I throw something at you?
Moaning Myrtle: Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me
Ron: But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it?

"That's a little mean to say Ron," Molly says shaking her head.

Moaning Myrtle: Oh sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head!

"Can I play in this game?" James asks excited.
"No." Remus says back annoyed with James.

Hazel: Who threw it at you anyway?
Moaning Myrtle: I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head.
[Hazel sees a small black book on the floor. Picks it up.]

"Thats the same book Ginnny has been writing in," Regulus says after looking at the book for a little bit. Ginny pales that he was going to figure it out before the movie says and then everyone was going to hate her.

Ron: Fifty points if you can get it through her nose.
Moaning Myrtle: I HEARD THAT!

"Ron you need to get better at those comments on saying them when people can't hear," Peter says laughing.

[Hazel and Ron dash out.]

"Smart choice," Mary says knowing how Myrtle can get.

[Hazel examines the book as she and Ron walk.]
Hazel: This is a diary. And it's old

"Wow- what a good observation," James says laughing out.

Ron: It's a diary, it's old and was most recently in a toilet, Hazel.

"I feel like you were mocking me," Hazel says jokingly to Ron.
"Wherever would you have gotten that from," Ron says back to Hazel laughing.

[Hazel starts to open it when Ron grabs her hand.]
Ron: Are you mad? That could be cursed. Dad once told me about a book the Ministry confiscated that burned the eyes out of anyone who tried to read it.

"You look to much into everything," Fred and George laugh out.
"When you're friends with this one that has a death wish every year you have to be cautious," Ron says laughing slightly as well.

Hazel: I'll take my chances... (opening it) Ahhh! MY EYES! MY EYES!

Everyone starts laughing after the initial scare knowing that Hazel was messing with Ron.
"That wasn't funny," Ron complains.

[Ron freezes, terrified, when Hazel grins, ending the ruse. At the end of corridor, Ginny stands, looking from the diary to Hazel-- utter terror on her face -- then dashes off.]
Hazel: Ginny! I was only joking -- Brilliant. Even your sister thinks I'm the monster now.

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