The Philosophers Stone: Part 4

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[That stormy night, a tall house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The Dursleys, including Hazel, have moved there, due to the chaos with the letters. The family is sleeping, with Hazel on the cold, dirt floor and Dudley sleeping on a sofa. Hazel has drawn a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Hazel. Hazel looks at Dudley's watch, which beeps 12:00.]

Everyone grows upset when they see that making a note to themselves to make sure her birthdays are the best they possibly can be.

Hazel: [to herself] Make a wish, Hazel. [she blows the "candles" on the drawn birthday cake]

They hear a sniffle and everyone turns to the Slytherin table.
"What?! This is sad, ok! Leave me alone!" Barty exclaims.

[Suddenly, the door thumps, in sync with the thunder flashing. Hazel jumps. The door thumps again and Dudley and Hazel jump up and back away. Hazel hides behind a wall, and Dudley cowers on a windowsill. Petunia and Vernon appear, with Vernon holding a double barrel gun.]

"Yes. Hide when someone's about to break in." Moody says with a straight face. This causes people to jump forgetting he was there.
"WHY DOES HE HAVE A GUN?!" A first year muggle born asks in shock.
"Whats a gun?" Arthur asks
"It's a muggle device that when shot it used to aim for killing or severely injuring. It shoots little metal bullets are people," Lily explains.
This makes everyone, even the purebloods worried about what was going on.

Vernon: Who's there? Ahh!
[The door bangs again and then falls down, and a giant man appears. As he comes into the clear lighting, he is revealed to be Hagrid.]

"Hagrid!!" Most kids yell out happy to see him.

Hagrid: Sorry 'about that. [He puts the door back up]
Vernon: [aiming his gun at him] I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking an entering!
[As Petunia quietly gasps in fear, Hagrid grabs the gun and bends it upwards.]
Hagrid: Dry up, Dursley, you great prune. [The gun fires upwards, blasting a hole in the ceiling, causing the two to shriek in fear. Hagrid notices Dudley.]

All the students jump seeing what the gun was able to do and they glance at each other, defenetly glad they don't have to really deal with those in the magical world.
"How are you not scared of loud noises?" Neville asks Hazel quietly still a little freaked out over the sound of the gun.
"I'm used to it," Hazel replies not wanting to get into it.

Hagrid: I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Hazel, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly 'round the middle!

People laugh in the great hall completely amused with Hagrids comment as the said half-giant blushes.
"Hagrid you know you were looking for a young girl- not a boy," Slughorn says laughing slightly

Dudley: I-I-I'm not Hazel.
[Hazel reveals herself]
Hazel: I-I am.

"No wonder you can't stay away from danger, you literally step into the open to someone you don't know who could possible kill you!" Hermione exclaims throwing her hands up.
Lily and James look frightened, "What now?!"

Hagrid: Oh, well, of course you are! Got something for ya. 'Afraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same. Ahh. Baked it myself. [Hands Hazel the cake] Words and all. Heh.
[Hazel opens cake, which reads "Happee Birdae Hazel" in green frosting.]

Lily and James look at the half-giant happy, "Thank you so much Hagrid." He only nods in return.

Hazel: Thank you!
Hagrid: It's not every day that your young lady turns eleven, now is it aye?
[Hagrid sits down on the sofa, takes out an umbrella and points it at the empty fire. Two sparks fly out and the fire starts. The family gasps.]
Hazel: [puts cake down] Excuse me, who are you?

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