Published on Twitter 11/3/22

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"You there?" Sally whispered from her usual place in her bed.

"Yes," Rumbled the deep voice.

"Tina says she doesn't have a monster under the bed. So did Danny, Billy, and Kathy."

"I told you before there is no such thing as a monster under the bed. I would know. I'm under your bed." The deep voice chuckled, making the bed vibrate.

"Then what are you?"

"I'm no monster under the bed." It chuckled again

"Ok," Sally tried but failed to begin crying.

"Ah, Sally, I'm not a monster under your bed. Really."


"Promise." The deep voice sounded sincere.

"Then what are you?"

"Sally, you'd know when your parents say they will tell you when you get older."

"Yea, but that's usually about sex."

The deep voice was quiet for a moment, "uh, well, this has nothing to do with that. But I promise to tell you when you get older."

"Ok, good night."

"Good night, Sally."

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