Published on Twitter 12/15/22

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"Hey, Und?" Sally said to the dark room. "You leave presents for me. Have you ever visited here?"

"Earth? Yes, I have. I've been there a few times for longer periods."

"Really, where did you go?"

"Oh, let's see, they called one place Rome, another London, there was a nice place called Atlantis and Chicago. Also, Point Pleasant." Und paused, "Uh, West Virginia."

Sally laughed, "Ok, Atlantis, Chicago, and West Virginia. What's in West Virginia?"

"Oh, his name is Monty. Good fellow. Really wants to help humans. But between you and me, he's not good at it. He scared them the last time he tried to help."

Sally began searching on her phone," So Monty is the Mothman?"

"Yes! You know of him?"

"Wow, I do now. That's cool, Und. Do you know Bigfoot?"


"Lochness Monster?"


"Vampires, werewolves, and ghouls?"

"Yes, yes, and unfortunately, yes."

Sally paused, "Oh, you're serious."

Und laughed, "Somewhat."

"Oh!" Sally let out a relieved laugh, "Goodnight, Und."

"Goodnight, Sally."

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