Published on Twitter 12/14/22

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"Oh my god, Und. It was so amazing. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and he kissed me." It was late, but Sally wasn't able to sleep.

"Human mating is strange to me. But I'm delighted you enjoyed yourself." Und said, "he seems like a nice man."

"Oh, he is. Do you have a girlfriend or a wife?"

"We don't do the same as humans. Our relationships are different. I have had several mates over the centuries."

"Wow, many mates and centuries. That's a lot to unpack. So not mating for life?"

Und sounded shocked, "No! That would be ridiculous; we live so long. It's hard to fathom being in a relationship with one mate."

"So you have kids?"

"Yes, I have a few children. They are all on their own now."

"Do you get lonely?"

"No, I have you to keep me company."

"Do you have other friends?"

"Yes, I have many. Some drop by occasionally, and sometimes I visit them."

"Good! Maybe I'll get to meet them someday."

"I hope you will."

"Goodnight, Und"

"Goodnight, Sally"

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