Published on Twitter 12/7/22

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"Is my grandmother the first human you met?" Sally asked the dark room.

"No, I've met several before her," Und said.

"Through the portal?"

"One other through the portal. I believe it would have been your grandmother's sister."

"Oh, Nina. I barely remember her."

"Oh? Has she gone away?"

"Yes, it was before I got the bed."

"She was a good friend. I'm sad she is gone."

"Sorry, Und."

"That is a price we pay for living as long as we do," Und said with sorrow. "But I am happy to have met most of the humans I have met."

"Oh, who else have you met?"

"A few here. Mostly travelers or academics."

"It's good you have friends. Goodnight, Und."

"Goodnight, Sally."

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