Published on Twitter 12/1/22

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"Ok, Sally, you talk to grandma while I run to the restroom." Sally's mom said as she left the room.

"Grandma? Did you have a monster under your bed?" Sally asked.

Her grandmother's eyes life up like Sally had never seen before. "Why yes, his name was Rumbles."

Sally laughed, "Why rumbles?"

"Because his voice was so deep. It rumbled the bed."

"I call him Und because he's a monster under the bed."

"He's not," Sally's grandmother whispered.

"Not what?" Sally asked.

"Sally, let's go. Say bye to grandma." Sally's mom said, standing at the door.

"Bye, grandma," Sally waved goodbye as she left.

"Bye dear, say hi to rumbles for me. Tell him I miss him." Sally's grandma said as her eyes faded to their normal dull color.

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