Published on Twitter 11/22/22

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Sally found a present on her bed. She smiled, knowing that Und again remembered her birthday. She got ready for bed, flipped off her light, and dashed to her bed. She was careful when she jumped into bed to not lose the present.

"Thank you, Und," Sally said.

"Happy birthday, Sally," Und replied.

Sally opened the present to find a small jewel wrapped in wire. It had a hook on one end. Sally was puzzled by the beautiful yet unique present.

"It clips into your necklace," Und said, amused.

Sally inspected her necklace and realized that what she thought was a flower-like design was actually a place for the new present to hook into. She clipped the new jewelry onto the necklace. There was a slight popping noise, and the new piece was firmly in place.

"Wow, thank you, Und!" Sally loved the new addition to her necklace".

"You're welcome."

"Goodnight, Und."

"Goodnight, Sally."

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