Published on Twitter 11/9/22

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A loud cheer came from the living room. It continued for several minutes.

Sally sat in bed, "I don't know why I had to go to bed. I won't be able to sleep with the noise."

"True. I believe the adults want to watch the competition in peace," Und rumbled under the bed.

"Whatever," Sall scoffed.

The door cracked open, and Sally's mom peeked in.

"Sweetie, who are you talking to?" She asked.

"Und," Sally said.


"He's the monster under the bed."

"Ok, sweetie, just go to sleep soon," Sally's mom closed the door.

"Whatever," Sally said with disgust as more cheers roared up from the living room.

"Does your mom know we talk every night?" Und asked.

"No, I told her when you first got here. She nodded and said, that's nice, dear."


"Goodnight, Und."

"Goodnight, Sally."

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