Chapter I

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The weather was gloomy. Rain was violently hitting the window, making it an impossible mission to watch the street from behind it. But she enjoyed the sound of the pounding on the glass. Somehow, she found it relaxing, the same kind of relaxation you're experiencing when you play your favorite song during a long, hot bath after a busy, cold day of work.
  "It's pishin'it doon out here" the sound of a deep, manly voice echoed in the room, catching her attention.
  She took her green eyes off of the documents in front of her, looking up at the man in front of her.
  He was towering her, his massive body blocking the view behind him. Their eyes would meet, making him smile warmly. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt— showing off his muscular arms and a few scars, barely visible— camo pants and combat boots.
  "Johnny, I didn't know you were coming back to Scotland" the woman said, as she stood up. She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around the man's waist, which made him hug her back, tightly.
  "Well I'm not gonna stay for long Maddie. I actually came here for military purposes."
  She raised her eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. Her brother, John, worked in the military field, he was a Sargent, so he was gone most of the time. It's been almost half a year since she last saw him, so she was hoping he had a few days off.
   "You see…we run low on medical assistance back to our base. I proposed Captain Price to hire you for that. I really want to see you more often, Maddie, and this is the best way."
  She didn't know his crew, she never met them, but she did hear stories about a handful of men: Captain Price, John talks about him the most, which made Madison think he is some kind of idol for her brother; Simon 'Ghost' Riley,the fearless, strongest man alive, how John calls him; Alejandro Vargas, the leader of Los Vaqueros, a charming and hardworking man; Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, a respectful and observant man.
  "So you're telling me…your captain wants me to be a military doctor? Oh you sick bastard, you owe me one." The woman said with a chuckle as she closed the file she had opened on her desk. "Don't tell me, the plane is tomorrow, and you expected me to agree from the beginning."
"Actually…we having the flight in two hours."
"Oh fuck you John MacTavish."

  Madison looked out the window, rain still pounded hard against it as it did two hours ago, but now it wasn't her boring office, instead, she was in a military airplane, flying above Scotland. The sound of each drop breaking against the glass, somehow, gave her a weird feeling in her stomach. She was nervous. And for what? She's been working as a doctor for over a decade. She won't do anything new as a doctor for The Task Force 141. On the contrary, she will only have to deal with a few wounds once in a while. And yet, with every minute passing, she felt nervous, anxious.
  The man next to her noticed the way she was staring out the window, her expression being quite serious, and her body tensed up. He gently patted her shoulder, giving him a wide smile, showing off his teeth.
  "Oh come on sis, don't tell me you're nervous. You'll like it there I promise."
  "That better be the case, Johnny" she chuckled nervously, wiping her hands down her jeans, taking in a breath. As much as she tried to convince herself that, her mind didn't allow her to. All she thought was the possibility of her brother being severely injured after a mission, needing her help. She hated the idea of seeing him hurt.
  "Were almost 'ere sir" a voice came from the front of the plane, letting John know about their soon landing.
  "Aye! Ghost better be waitin' for us!"
  As the plane started landing Madison's stomach felt like turning the other way around, a knot forming on top of her chest at the same time. She had no air left, she felt like suffocating, and no matter how many deep breaths she took, there was no change. Her hands would clench onto her seat, closing her eyes as she felt the plane reaching the ground. John's hand would gently poke her shoulder, making her open her eyes slowly.
  "We got there now, let's get going. We don't want to let them waitin'"
  Holding tightly her baggage, Madison found her way out the plane, looking around. She found herself in the middle of nowhere. No sight of humanity in the range of 1000 km² or so. There were a few buildings, she couldn't tell which was which, nor she was curious of yet, a massive training field, a bunch of military cars and some helicopters.
  "Welcome to Task Force 141 Maddie. You'll love it here" was the only thing John said before grabbing her baggage and finding their way towards one of the buildings.

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